In the battlefield of the gods, no one is taken prisoner. Wars rage, as the ancient pantheons of history clash for supremacy in the three ancient paths and the jungle collectively known as Strike's Conquest.
Like all games of the MOBA genre, some characters present a better proposition in the fight against the enemy, and here we will introduce those gods whose ability kit and power potential give players the best chance of victory, even if you are a complete beginner.
For this list, we'll be using Conquest mode as our base because it's the main mode of the game.
Here are the best Knocking Gods by class.
Guardian - Magic
Guardians are generally more tanky characters who can take more hits but deal less damage, often taking on the support role in the two (or duo) lane of the Conquest map, albeit the most aggressive and the higher damage. can play the role of the jungle.

The Earth God Geb is an excellent Guardian whose kit is one of the best to start as a new player, while still being flexible and powerful enough to function at any level. Great mobility, good crowd control and a fantastic ultimate to start team fights, Geb is a great choice if you want to learn how to protect your friends.

Everyone's favorite giant beetle, Khepri is an excellent supporting God. Two crowd control abilities and a broad spectrum projectile make him a big help for the role of "porter" on the team. Not only that, Khepri's Ultimate is one of the best Support Ultimates in the game, allowing you to save your dying teammates in fights and avoid causing a penalty kill as it will save teammates who hit zero health when the capacity is active.

As far as Ares is concerned, his kit is not complicated. He can throw chains that can deal massive damage and slow down opponents, launch fire from his shield to take down lane minions, and has an ultimate that rocks team fights if the opposing team doesn't. not purchased the Purification Beads artifact. It's an aggressive tool set that can work perfectly in all of Smite's modes, and one that's suitable for the Greek god of war.
Mage - Magic
Mages are damage dealers who often play the role of a middle lane, which is essential to ensure that the enemy team's jungler does not overshoot your camps and get too far ahead of the game. However, Mages can also be useful in the Solo lane and sometimes as a jungler.

One of Smite's oldest gods, Hel is the split-personality god who provides both healing shards from the good side and damage from his dark side. Not only is Hel powerful in both forms, but she also forces the enemy to purchase anti-healing items to counter his healing output. This opens up opportunities for the rest of your team to exploit the gaps left by the need to build this anti-heal. She's not that hard to use, which makes Hel a great choice for the middle lane.

He Bo
Strike's glass cannon, He Bo, when built for power, can deal astronomical damage to single targets. His long-range Waterspout instant casting spell lifts enemies off the ground and can be great for knocking enemies out of position for a gank, while his ultimate can take out an entire team very quickly if used intelligently. He's not the most mobile, but He Bo excels at one-on-one, so if you get caught out of position but only have one God in front of you, you'll be the favorite to win in the match. most of the cases. Her ultimate can also be used in a pinch to escape too while doing big damage along the way.

One of the most underrated gods in the game, there is a lot to love about Syclla. She has an extremely safe AoE damage ability that allows her to take out waves of minions from a distance, excellent evasion ability, and a spell that will root an enemy long enough for you to deal significant damage. His ultimate requires some skill to hit regularly, but he's also very powerful when you do, and can be used again if you kill an enemy with him.
Warrior - Physical
Warriors are melee fighters who combine a good amount of sustain with solid damage and carry tool sets for team combat and aggressive gameplay. They are the most common class in the Solo path, but the larger ones can be used as a support god.

One of the best gods in the game, Achilles is strong on offense, beefy on defense with a passive ability that can boost either one, has an interesting tool kit that can deal damage to enemies and heal himself, and can train favorably with just about any other God used in the Solo path. His ultimate also acts as an execution, so if you can get close to an enemy of death, finishing them with them will put you in a position of strength.

Osiris is a versatile Solo lane god. Its stinging abilities deal a decent amount of damage while still being fairly easy to hit. He has excellent, long-lasting health while also providing a good anti-healing option with his ultimate, making him a great choice if the opponent chooses a healing heavy God selection, like Hel or Sylvanus. Osiris is also great at keeping the gods close at hand as he can mitigate close combat damage incredibly well.

One of the most difficult gods to play, but also one of the most rewarding, the Norse god Tyr, like Hel, has two forms, one heavier offensive and the other more defensive. However, Tyr's main combo for juggling players in the air is extremely fun while providing a great platform for ganking. He compares favorably with most other warriors, so it's worth investing your time.
Assassin - Physical
Assassins are high damage, high mobility characters who don't have a huge health pool but are good at exploiting enemies that are on the back foot. Usually playing as a jungler but with some capable of playing in the solo lane, Assassins rely on smart movement to take down enemies, often aiding their own team with fights and ganks.

Arguably one of the most powerful gods in Smite early in the game, Camazotz possesses very powerful minion erasures while being very mobile. If you can build up the pressure early on with Camazotz, there is the potential to snowball the rest of the game and win very quickly. His ultimate is also fantastic for hunting those who try to escape.

Going fast is a boon when you're the jungler god in a MOBA because junglers are always on the move, and it turns out that is Mercury's specialty. Its high damage is related to its movement, so the further you move around the map, the more pain you can inflict. High attack speed and an ultimate that can stop an enemy God in their tracks make Mercury a very tricky opposition.

One of the gods the game gives you for free without having to unlock or wait for a free week on the spinner, Thor is incredibly mobile while delivering solid damage all around. He is also an ideal God to use in learning the role of the jungler due to his ability to move quickly around the map and an ultimate that makes it easier to engage in combat. Thor is even played regularly at higher ranks, making him an obvious choice for improving your skills.
Hunter - Physics
Hunters are one of the main damage dealers in the game with mages, providing consistent, moderate damage from auto attacks and abilities, often without huge burst potential outside of ultimates, but at the cost of more abilities. utilities. They are the second of the two-man squad in the duo lane with support, although they can also be deployed in the middle and solo lane.

One of the most recent gods to be added to the game, Heimdallr isn't the easiest god to excel at, but learning him would provide you and your team with a huge blessing just for his incredible damage. Auto attacks are powerful, her abilities can bite into more spongy gods quickly, and her ultimate allows you and your team to get you in position to quench an incompetent foe. Add a flexible evasion ability and Heimdallr has all the tools you could possibly need on a hunter.

Hou Yi
The Chinese god Hou-Yi is one of the least exciting in Smite in terms of lore, but he is one of the few hunters who remains consistently strong regardless of the meta. A big reason for this is her first Ricochet ability, which is an arrow that amplifies damage whenever it bounces off walls before hitting an opponent. When used correctly, Hou Yi can shred any god with a few wall bounces. Great evasion ability and solid overall damage also make it a great choice for primary