Charms allow you to customize your Ghost of Tsushima experience to provide you with a layer of useful passive abilities. For example, at the start of the game you can find a health regeneration charm where you can recover a small amount of your non-combat health out of combat. It's a great way to start the game to give yourself that extra edge, but there are even more powerful and useful ones that you can locate and use.
Charm of Inari's Might
With this charm, your health and melee damage increase tremendously. The problem is, you won't be able to receive this charm until the end of the game, but it's handy. Until you reach the end of the game to receive it, you can consider getting Takemikazuchi's Charm, which slightly increases your melee damage for a few seconds after killing an enemy. You will receive this charm by discovering 20 fox dens.
Amaterasu Charm
Whenever you kill an enemy, you restore a moderate amount of your health. This is a good way to make sure that during a fight you can stay alive, and even if you take a few good hits from an opponent, you rely on the spell to restore a good chunk of your health. The best part is that you can receive it early in the game by heading south of the Golden Temple.
Susanoo Charme
The charm therefore allows him astounding enemies have a 30% chance of falling in this state. When they drop you can take them out with one hit, allowing you to do a short job on any opponent you come across. It's a great way to free up your time to explore rather than spending too much time fighting enemies that give you a lot of trouble. You can find the shrine of this charm by going north to the Shipyard Outpost. You will need the grapple to access this location.
Toxic Vanishing Charm
The wind chimes you use to distract enemies and lead them to a different position Ghost of Tsushima can become your new weapon. This turns them into poisonous grenades. Regardless of which enemy inspects this item upon hearing it, they will find themselves in a situation they cannot handle and will not come back to inform anyone else. This is a great way to attract enemies and not have to face them after getting their attention. You will get this by achieving the rank of Legend of The Phantom Samurai.
Invisible Respite Charm
For those who would rather not have the odds against you in Ghost of Tsushima, a well-placed smoke bomb makes it necessary to get away from enemies. With this charm, you will restore 25% of your health, so even when you recoil against enemies, you recover your health much faster than if you just ran away to try again. It is perfect for players who use smoke bombs as a last resort and have extremely low health. You will receive it by completing Lady Masako's Tale, A Mother's Peace.