All the girls have been given, for better or worse, a monthly visit for most of their lives. For many, this visit can be a source of stress and pain. For others, it may not be as tedious or complicated. However, one thing that all of you deliberately share from your experience with the menstrual cycle is that you all need to keep track.
Having to remember the last time your period came can be not only tedious, but also frustrating. However, it is super important to keep up with your cycles and know your body so you can treat it better. At 4Appslovers we have used Google Play to identify the best apps for menstruation, we want to help you and make your monthly visit one of joy and excitement.
Contents hide 1 What are the best apps for menstruation 1.1 1. Flo: menstrual cycle app 1.1.1 Ratings and opinions from Flo 1.1.2 Video tutorial to use Flo 1.1.3 ð² Flo app: download 1.2 2. Maya: application for menstruation 1.2.1 Ratings and reviews of Maya 1.2.2 Video tutorial for using Maya 1.2.3 ð² Maya app: download 1.3 3. Mole: app for monitoring the menstrual cycle 1.3.1 Lunar Ratings and Reviews 1.3.2 ð² Lunar app: download 1.4 4. FEMM: app menstrual cycle calendar 1.4.1 FEMM Ratings and Opinions 1.4.2 Video tutorial for using FEMM 1.4.3 ð² FEMM app: download 1.5 5. OvuView: app for menstruation 1.5.1 Ratings and opinions of OvuView 1.5.2 Video tutorial for using OvuView 1.5.3 ð² OvuView app: download 2 Comparing the Pros and Cons of the Best Apps for Menstruation on Android
What are the best apps for menstruation
Knowing our bodies is essential. It is even more important for women, because only in this way can they get an idea of how it is working and the causes and effects of each thing. Nowadays there are many applications that help us to know our bodies better. And specifically for women, many more.
This is why we wanted to investigate the 5 best applications for menstruation. Among so many options it can be difficult to choose just one. We hope to help you choose the best one and that you will see a significant change in your health. Take a look at them and download them! Plus, who isn’t afraid of not knowing when it’s coming?
1. Flo: menstrual cycle app

Are you irregular and need a reliable platform to predict your menstrual cycle? Meet Flo. Flo is, without a doubt, one of the best applications for menstrual monitoring on the market. It already has 100 million women worldwide. This is a totally free menstrual calendar for monitoring your period. It’s the first menstrual app to use machine learning, so you can predict your days.
This way you will never doubt your cycle. It also helps you keep track of your pregnancies. The app is a period tracker that uses a calendar, ovulation, period, and pregnancy calculator to reliably predict a woman’s menstruation, ovulation days, and fertile days. Within the app you can also record your moods, PMS symptoms, schedule cycle reminders and use the due date calculator.
Ratings and opinions from Flo

Perfect, highly recommended. Besides keeping track of the cycle, it helps a lot with personalized information according to the symptoms you register. Very useful â¨
Ver más comentarios👇
It is very good, but if you can put a search style, in case someone is curious about something that can look for it. Like a Google but that gives real information. That and thanks if you took the time to read this
I love it so far. If you give all the data they ask for your day to day, it gives you the exact dates of your period, ovulation, etc. Very good application.
It helps you to really know the periods of your cycle, but you also receive advice that helps you to improve your symptoms and behaviour according to the moment.
Video tutorial to use Flo
ð² Flo app: download
ð DownloadFlo here ð
2. Maya: application for menstruation

Keep track of your menstrual cycle with Maya, a simple and fun menstrual cycle calendar . With Maya you can keep track of your periods, symptoms, mood swings, and overall health. The app gives you an automatic and accurate fertility prediction. In addition, you can adjust your menstrual cycle length and flow length.
Within the app you can specify the days you had sex, your weight and your body temperature . In addition, you can customize the app to your preference. You can protect the app with a password , set reminders, and color-code your periods.
Ratings and reviews of Maya

I have been using this app for several years. It helps me prevent when my cycle will start and know how long it lasts with the metrics for my controls. Thank you
Ver más comentarios👇It is very beautifully designed and very practical all the information you can put in. I love it.
I love it, I’ve been using it for a year, for me it’s one of the most accurate â??ï¸
Very good application helps you a lot for good and bad days ðð
This application is the most accurate and I have been using it for years. It is the only one I trust, I do not exchange it for any.
Video tutorial for using Maya
ð² Maya app: download
ð DownloadMaya here ð
3. Mole: app for monitoring the menstrual cycle

The Moon Period Tracker app is a completely free ovulation and pregnancy calendar. This app is really unique and focuses a lot on women’s care needs. It keeps track of your period, ovulation, fertility, and more. What makes this app super special is that it provides a center for informative wellness tips and trends within a community of empowered women .
Within the app you will have at your disposal a daily health report and statistics and stories of meditation courses and cycles. In addition, you can set and customize your reminders and analyze your past menstrual cycles to discover your unique pattern. In the app you can also get pregnancy rate predictions to help you know the best time to conceive.
Lunar Ratings and Reviews

It is quite useful this application and when you put your activities and your states help you even more I recommend it
Ver más comentarios👇Very good application very complete and interesting
I love this application you have all the answers in your hand
I love it better than the other application and easier to use
It’s a very complete application I liked quite a lot ð
ð² Lunar app: download
4. FEMM: app menstrual cycle calendar

FEMM is much more than a monitor or a cycle calendar, as it will provide you with state-of-the-art science and technology that will help you keep track of your health and understand what is going on in your body. With this technology you can be alerted to potential health problems and connect with doctors and nurses. Knowing our bodies is equally proportional to knowing ourselves, so do it the best way you can!
In the app you can monitor your physical and emotional symptoms to diagnose potential health problems. Also, you will never forget to upload your cycle information as it has daily reminders. You can enter the medications you take, if you take them, and share your cycle charts with your doctor or family members.
FEMM Ratings and Opinions

It’s very simple and I can change the controls since I’m irregular
Ver más comentarios👇very complete, helps you to know yourself and keep track of changes in your body
VERY good, simple and practical.
This is a real empowerment of women, know your body, super good app
Video tutorial for using FEMM
ð² FEMM app: download
ð DownloadFEMM here ð
5. OvuView: app for menstruation

OvuView tracks and predicts your period, ovulation and fertility using sophisticated symptothermal methods (STM ). It uses your cycle symptoms such as menstruation, basal body temperature, cervical mucus or cervix to automatically assess and chart your fertility using recognised family planning methods.
There are 4 symptothermal methods (Billings, Rötzer, Konald/Kippley, Precautions), 5 mucus-centered methods (5 Dry Days, Döring, Day 21/20, Last Day Dry), First 4/5/6 Days), 3 methods focused on temperature (Marshall Rule, 4 High Temperatures, 5 High Temperatures) and 2 calendar methods (Calendar Method, Fixed Day Method). In total these are 14 methods of fertility awareness, so they can give you accurate predictions.
Ratings and opinions of OvuView

The best application I’ve found so far to keep track of the cycle. I paid for the unannounced version to support its creators and to continue improving and sustaining the app. What I like most about it is that you control its calculations. In other applications the algorithms used are a mystery to the user, not here. Even so, I would suggest some improvements like: web version, being able to write more about sexuality (masturbation, orgasm and its intensidadâ¦) and sleeping hours.
It’s great; the graphics; the chronology; it’s the best application; I even use it in my personal diary; it’s very complete; it’s the best of all! it can be used without internet; the suggestions are good; the aesthetics are beautiful; I love it! ð
Very useful, because I was able to write down everything that happened during my pregnancy.
Excellent app, very complete and very flexible. Allows you to enter numerous symptoms (pre-set or not), which allows you to use natural methods of fertility prediction much safer than the simple method of the calendar. In addition, it automatically synchronizes with TempDrop, the only wearable that records basal body temperature to determine fertility. But beware: it’s an app that requires some knowledge of methods like Sensiplan or TCOYF to take advantage of.
Video tutorial for using OvuView
ð² OvuView app: download
ðDownloadOvuView here ð
Comparing the Pros and Cons of the Best Apps for Menstruation on Android
Finally, we have compared the 3 best applications for menstruation. We hope we can help you decide between our selection of apps. They all share the same passion: to teach you more and more about your body.
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