The Journey to Batuu expansion for The Sims 4 has added a ton of new Star Wars themed items to the game. There's a lot to build and buy, but it's hard to sort it all out and decide what. that there are better and worse to add to your home. To help you make up your mind, we've created a list of the 10 best and worst items now available to build or buy for your home. We've based the list on what's most useful and most versatile. Due to ranking items like Speeder and Lightsabers, weren't on the best side of the list, although we really like having them in the game.
10 Best
Sabacc tables
Part of the game pack is the addition of two usable sabacc tables. Sabacc tables look great in most modern environments as well as in a sci-fi setting. Your sims can interact with the tables and play sabacc, but there are variations available that don't include the game if you don't want to. One of the tables also has a light on it that will keep the room dimly lit.
Batuu Banners
This is a beautiful wall decoration that comes with some variations. The banners would be suitable for a young adult or teenager's bedroom, but can also serve as a trophy or keepsake for your sims. The banner has many variations including the Batuu flag, stormtrooper helmets, top notch banners, and many more that would look great on your wall.
Stand Cantina
Like everything else in this pack, this bench is a bit chunky. Fortunately, you can use it to fill that corner that you can't seem to do anything with. The item is a comfortable 90 degree bench seat that your sims can interact with. It can also work as a real cabin, just drop any table you like and it will be grouped with the seat. Between the shades of colors available and the choice of table top, you can use this element in just about any build with relative ease.
Circular flooring tested over time
This is an easy to love decorative item from the pack. It is a circular floor decoration with a few different patterns that will fit into many different constructions indoors and outdoors. The default stone circle can look great in a garden or yard as a beautiful piece of mosaic. Painted decals would work well in a young adult's or teenager's bedroom. Really, it can be used in a lot of different themes, from modern to punk and sci-fi. It's also designed to match some of the newer flooring including the new curved flooring which will give you a ton of new building options.
Curved canteen bar
The pack includes a lot of bar pieces but our favorite is the curved cantina bar. The cantina bar set is available in a few different attractive colors, but the covered one has the benefit of breaking up the normally straight and blocky silhouette of the bar pieces. You can create a large wrap-around bar in the middle of a room or use it outdoors to go with a fireplace. There are many options to use here.
Replica ships and droids
There are several replica ships and droids available, including those of the Millennium Falcon and the R2-D2. These are small replicas that can be placed on a desk or table. They are beautiful, playful pieces that work well as decorations in any room. They can be used in modern, Star Wars, and even post-apocalyptic versions without having to work too much to adapt them. You can also increase the size of these replicas if you prefer to have a lawn ornament over a desk ornament.
Interior lights
The new pack offers a wide variety of interior lighting. It's hard to pick just one of the new lights as the best and none can really be called the worst given what's been added to the game in some of the other packs. All lights can be used anywhere in any theme. They would look great in any steampunk or Star Wars themed build, but they can also be used in a normal build with little fuss.
Interestingly, the wallcoverings added to the game don't appear to be from a galaxy far, far away. Each of the four new wallpapers comes with four variations. Walls fit well in just about any construction, regardless of the theme. We've found that some of these walls seem to work particularly well in Steampunk-themed buildings.
The new pack added four new floors each with two different variations. The variations of the Made of Stone and Made With Stones flooring sets were a bit of a letdown, but overall they can be very useful in just about any build. Floors can work well indoors and outdoors, whatever theme you are looking for with a build.
Petrified bench
An object like this has been needed for a long time. It's basically a nice rustic picnic table. It will look great outside in a yard or inside a rustic log home. There are a lot of possibilities for this table. It also includes a few different variations, including one where someone has engraved the Rebel Alliance symbol on it.
10 saucers
Cantina ceiling masterpiece
This piece is great if you're recreating a cantina, and that's pretty much all it's used for. The Cantina Ceiling Centerpiece is a huge ceiling decoration that resembles the decoration hanging behind the Mos Eisley Cantina in the original series. It's a bit of an eyesore and if something bothers you if you don't use it for a Star Wars themed build. All individual parts are available for use so you can create a custom one from aftermarket.
the Windows
The selection of windows in this pack was a bit disappointing. There are two new windows with a few different variations, but they all look more like something you'd expect to see in a prison. They can work in a sort of punk build, but if not, you better stick with what you have.
Power isolator
It's another horror that just doesn't work in most versions. It's a large circular metal decoration with a few variations that don't change it enough to be useful. Decor will be fine if you are trying to build a Star Wars themed building, but can't really be useful outside of that.
The new pack has added a ton of new decorative storage pieces, including plenty of crates. It's not yet clear why more crates were needed for this game, but someone from the Sims team seemed to think we didn't have enough already.
Previously used flooring
If you like having ripped rugs in your home, we won't judge. There's really nowhere to put this where it'll look great outside of a ruined or post-apocalyptic themed build. The rugs look like they lost a fight with a tiger and the metal floor seems to make a lot of noise as you walk through them.
Bague Hunk of Junk
What exactly is the purpose of this piece? It is not very decorative and has no function. There was an opportunity to make it into a mirror or window that would have been usable and decorative, but it wasn't. This can be useful if you are trying to recreate Batuu, but not really necessary after that.
First-rate weapons
Fine if you're building a First Order bunker, not really useful outside of that. You can possibly use them if you have a character who is a Star Wars superfan, but that's about it. They are only really usable in a Star Wars version. Also, given how often our sims manage to set things on fire, it's probably a good thing the flamethrower can't interact with.
Batuuan bird sculpture
It would be a lovely garden piece if it didn't look so much like the Star Wars version of the screaming flamingo ornament. This could be useful for a rustic theme but there are already enough decorations available for this.