There are a variety of benefits available to you in Hades. These are powers provided to you by the 10 Greek Gods ready to help Prince Zagreus escape from the underworld. Each of the perks has a different purpose. For example, the Bounties of Ares can inflict Doom on your enemies, while Zeus primarily focuses on chain lightning attacks. The type of perks you want to use depends on the initial choices you have at the start of the game, what weapon you use, and your personal playstyle.
Each of the perks has a chance to be Normal, Rare, or Epic, and increasing rarities provide additional perks to your attacks. With 10 gods granting you powers, they each grant you 13 perks, representing over 130 choices. It's a lot, so we're not going to focus on all of them, mainly our favorites. Additionally, with this guide, we're going to focus on the standard perks you can pick up in the game, not the Duo or Legendaries.
Athena's Help (Athena)
Athena's state effect is called Deflect and knocks attacks away from you. If it is a remote attack, they come back to the sender. With Athena's Aid you become invulnerable and deflect all attacks, which is always a good use in the middle of a boss fight if you need a break to rethink your strategy or if you need a few seconds to attack. the worry-free boss. Additionally, if you return enough attacks, the boss could kill himself.
Curse of Agony (Ares)
The Curse of Agony is a great choice. Your attacks inflict Doom on your enemies, dealing damage to them every second. The more you attack your enemies, the more damage you inflict on them over time, making it easier for them to take out to focus on the others around you. It's a simple, straightforward boon with great effects, and Ares' Doom is always a great choice to have on any race.
Electric Shot (Zeus)
Your ranged attack, your Cast, becomes a lightning chain shard that bounces between enemies. This ability's starting level is five and has a range of 720. The more you do this boon, the more it can bounce. Almost all of Zeus' perks are good for fighting enemies side by side. But there is something great about running away from a group of enemies and shooting at them from a distance to destroy a group with one shot.
Soul Nourished (Demeter)
While you can only get Demeter's perks after completing the game, his are extremely useful and make the game much easier, especially when you're having more difficulty. With Nourished Soul, all healing effects become more powerful by 30%, at current rarity, and you will restore 30% of your health when you recover them. This is a great boon to have with almost any build, as it boosts the rarest thing you have in the game - restoring your health.
Passion Dash (Aphrodite)
The Passion Dash is another basic perk that you can use on almost any race in the game. When you rush, the area you land deals damage and inflicts Low on your enemies. An enemy with Weak deals 30% less damage for at least three seconds, which is always good to stack on enemies you rush towards. It's a good way to get up close and personal with the fear that each hit will cut your life in half. The more enemies there are with Weak, the more reckless you can be.
Pressure points (Artemis)
With this boon, any damage you deal to an enemy has the chance to be a critical hit. However, while the chance of hitting a crit is extremely low, given that it affects almost everything you do while fighting, it's pretty decent. This is a great option to have, even if you don't intend to grab any of Artemis' perks during a race. It works with almost anything, so it never hurts to have this in your arsenal.
Quick favor (Hermès)
The benefits of Hermes mainly focus on the type of build and other perks you already have. For example, Swift Strike increases your attack speed, which is great if you have perks that stack with your base strike. However, Swift Flourish could be better because it makes your special speed faster, increasing the benefits associated with it. You want to factor in the perks and weapon you already have when choosing one of Hermes' choices. Still, Quick Favor is always good to have, especially if you have one of the other gods' calls, as it automatically loads that bar for you when trying to escape.
Static Discharge (Zeus)
With this boon, your lightning attacks make an enemy jump. The Shaken status effect causes the attacker's next attack to deal lightning damage to them and injure others around them. Add to that Electric Shot, or one of Zeus' other perks, and you can see enemies die away from you without much attention from you, or, at least, it makes them much weaker for you when you have to fight them. .
Trippy Shot (Dionysus)
Want to keep your distance even more? Now when you send your Cast it bursts into Festive Fog, hindering the movement of enemies inside. If you have other Dionysus perks that make enemies hangover inside Festive Fog, that's even more powerful. You can use this boon in a variety of builds, and even by itself, the Festive Fog movement degradation is very useful, especially if you send our cast and then rush there to fight a horde of enemies waiting for you. knocked.