We've narrowed the list down to 10 favorites from some of the biggest - and most unique - games of 2020. There are still plenty of guide-side bonuses and other random stuff we want to talk about for the year, so check back soon for even more Ultra Weapons, additional modes and unlockables. You know, everything we love.

Finally solve that new locked door [[]
the is about 99% a perfect recreation of the original PS3 game with completely redesigned graphics. But it is this 1% of new products that is the most interesting. Prior to release, we knew there would be additional armor sets and a new bonus pre-order weapon. Not so exciting.
Until the players start to dig. In Area 1-3, fans discovered a new illusory wall hiding a locked door. It took a long time and a ridiculous amount of exploration from a speedrunner to finally figure out how to unlock this door - players had to find special ceramic pieces that only appear in the new game mode that literally flips the entire game over. like a mirror image.
You need a lot of hidden coins to trade with the best source of secret items in the game - Sparkly the Crow. Dropping the ceramic pieces on the floor, Sparkly picks them up when the player isn't looking to leave a key.
This key unlocks the new room with a fan favorite armor set based on the boss Penetrator. It's not much - we just needed an answer. And now we have it.

Free the Unmaykr [[]
is a crazy sequel. Not only is it a bizarre platform with unbridled violence that is too fast for our little human reflexes to follow. It also contains many references to Easter eggs from previous games. The best of those references isn't when Doomguy (yes, that's his new canon name) calls himself "huge guts". The best reference is the Unmaykr pistol.
This special unlockable gun is the alternate BFG-9000, and it only appeared in. Even the biggest fans might have ignored this Nintendo 64 exclusive game which is actually 100% unique, not a remake or anything. might actually be better than the real thing, but it's also pretty obscure. I feel like has only been remastered and re-released on modern systems specifically for gamers to discover the source of the Unmaykr laser gun.