We live in a digital world where almost everything is just a few clicks away. Job hunting is also quite easy these days, but if you don't have access to the right platforms, it can be quite difficult to find the right job. In this comprehensive guide, we will share the best apps to find a job on Android in 2022.
Craigslist Pro
Craigslist is a decent platform where you can easily find entry-level jobs without any hassle. The platform focuses on simple and entry-level jobs and it's a great place for those looking for freelance jobs. Craigslist pro is the official craigslist app and includes some great features that can help you find your next job. It is free to use, but there are advertisements.
Glassdoor is one of the best apps for finding a job on Android. The platform focuses on all types of jobs, ranging from regular jobs to jobs for large companies. Moreover, the app also provides company employee reviews which will give you a rough idea of your next potential employer. The job search feature is also quite simple and easy and you can find the jobs in your area using the location. You can use this app for free.
Google search
Google search is the most popular search engine in the world and can help you find the right job. Instead of exploring the platforms individually, you can use Google search to find the job you want from all the major job search platforms. Some companies such as McDonald's allow potential employees to apply through Google Assistant. Google Search is also completely free.
Indeed: Job Search
Indeed, Indeed is another very popular job search app that can help you connect with your next potential employer. It is a multinational platform that features jobs from more than 50 countries around the world. You can use the platform by simply typing in the position you are looking for and your location. You can also use other search filters to find the right job that meets your requirements. Indeed, the Indeed application is free, but it comes with advertisements.
Jobs now
Jobsora is a very popular job search platform that offers its services in many countries around the world. The platform has over 4 million job vacancies and you can easily find the right job using the filters. Moreover, the user interface of the app is also very clean which makes it easier to use. If you are a job seeker, Jobsora is a great platform for you.
Free Resumes
When it comes to job hunting, one of the main things that matters the most is the CV. If your CV is not good enough or if it is poorly designed, your chances of getting a job are very slim. An average recruiter only spends a few seconds looking at the resume, if they don't find anything interesting during that window of a few seconds, they usually move on to the next resume. Therefore, it is important that your CV is readable. Free Curriculum Vitae can help you generate the best professional CV without any hassle. It is a free application.
Snag is another very popular job search app that can help you connect with the right employer. The app comes with a simple design and tons of jobs you can apply for. Moreover, the app also offers daily job notifications which can be very helpful. Overall, Snag is a great platform and you should give it a try. Its use is also totally free.
Job Search by ZipRecruiter
Job Search by ZipRecruiter is one of the best apps for finding a job on Android. The application is quite recent but it is already downloaded by more than a million users. It contains thousands of jobs and once you fill in the forms you can easily apply for jobs. This one-click application feature makes it very easy to use. You can use this app for free.
LinkedIn: job search
LinkedIn is the platform for professionals where you will find professionals from all over the world. The platform also has official accounts of all national and multinational companies so you can follow them and apply for vacancies. You can also use LinkedIn for networking where you can get in touch with the senior and ask them for suggestions on how to improve your skills and resume. There are hundreds of mentors available on this platform who are just a message away from you. If you're looking for a career-focused job, LinkedIn can help you connect with the right people and the right employers.
Uber, Careem, Lyft
If you have a car or a bicycle, you can use the public transport apps such as Uber, Careem, Lyft and others to earn money quickly. Getting the rides on these apps is quite easy and you can use them for quick cash until you find your next job. If you have a bike, you can use Uber Eats and other similar services to deliver food and earn a quick buck.
Here are the 10 best applications to find a job on Android. Getting the job is very easy provided you have the right skills and qualifications. We also recommend having a mentor in your industry who will guide you on how to get the right job in your industry. Also, if you are a competent person, you will eventually get the right job. In the meantime, you can use apps like Uber, Careem, and Lyft to earn quick cash and have fun. You can also check out the best apps to write a resume.