Super Mario Maker 2 is finally out and looks like an improved and enriched version of the previous title. Here, too, the main purpose is precisely to create levels, having at your disposal a vast set of tools that will help the creative process.
But are we really facing a substantial improvement or is it a missing port? Find out with us in this review!
A quick explanation of the series
Super Mario Maker was originally born su Wii U, console that as you well know has sold very little. Despite this unfortunate story, the title has undergone a "port" on Nintendo 3DS, which is actually more of a neutered version, due to the technical limitations of the handheld console.
On June 28, 2019, Super Mario Maker 2 was finally released on Nintendo Switch, which promises to continue the dynasty of its predecessor.
Among the main innovations introduced we point out the new mode based on Super Mario 3D World and various new tools and assets. As if that were not enough, the online mode is enriched by the possibility of competing / collaborating with 3 other players in the levels created by you!
Finally, the most particular novelty is the introduction of a story mode that will be a tutorial to the various game models and above all will give useful ideas for the creation of levels.
What to say, Nintendo managed to improve the flaws of the first title with small but effective measures.
A particular way of doing tutorials
One of the coolest yet most instantaneous elements of the title is how the mechanics are introduced to the player. Instead of being bombarded with boring tutorials, we will have introductory missions at our disposal directly from the story mode, designed to make us understand everything on an extremely practical level.
For example, the operation of the shells or the controls of the various modes will be easily learned by playing the story mode, which looks pretty solid this time around.
With more than 100 quite varied levels, the player can already get a good idea of how to start building their original levels or what to consider during the arduous creative process.
Each level, indeed, we should say mission, looks more like a lesson in game design and creativity, totally avoiding the boredom of the usual tutorials we are used to.
If you would like to review the commands or know everything about creating levels, you can always consult the Dojo and follow the lessons step by step.
Different modes, same Mario as always
One of the most endearing elements of the series is the ability to choose between different game modes, referencing Mario's various 2D titles.
For example, you can create a level with the style of Super Mario World or another with the style of Super Mario Bros., the only limit will be your imagination.
The presence of multiple modes not only gives variety to the gameplay, but also benefits players of any age group, allowing them to play according to the mechanics of the title they are most familiar with.
Honorable mention to the new Super Mario 3D World mode, which presents itself as standalone compared to the others and gives that touch of novelty that balances the retro aspect of the rest.
The creative flair that is inside each of us
Super Mario Maker 2 is based entirely on the concept of creating levels, allowing us to use an editor that is not only rich in options but also refined. Unfortunately, it is not at all straightforward to build levels given the immense choice we have!
But don't despair, you can start from short and very basic levels, and then move on to more complex and studied schemes.
Since the levels we will create will be shared online, it is necessary to make them more identifiable through the use of special tags that the game allows us to select.
Before uploading the levels online, we are asked to create a profile for our author, so that you can follow others or be followed by other players.
We found the only flaw of the editor in fixed mode, since building with any controller is really frustrating. On the contrary, the portable mode is very convenient thanks to the use of the touch screen.
In the end, we are faced with a truly varied and complete editor like few others, which does justice to the player's creativity!
I use dell'online to direct some magistrale
Super Mario Maker 2 is the perfect example of how you can use online in such a title. Normally this component will be used to research and play levels created by other users, but it doesn't stop there.
In fact, it is possible to try your hand at arcade-style tests with the Endless challenge, where we will face an endless series of random levels until we lose all the lives at our disposal.
The search for levels is very detailed and specific, although we would have also appreciated a manual search by name. In addition to the like / dislike and comments, it will be possible to download a level to replay it later offline.
If our creations are appreciated by the online community, we may receive author points that will increase our weight in the community ranking.
The most interesting novelty is the mode Network game, designed for multiplayer levels.
This online model focused entirely on direct player interaction is certainly a great example of how it is possible to engage the consumer in the creative process behind the Super Mario series.
The only drawback that many have complained about is the infinite challenge mode. Unfortunately, the levels with 0 likes will not appear to you and not only! As soon as you upload a new level, it will be queued behind all those without yet like, which will remain in the New section until they receive at least one like.
In summary, there is a risk that some levels will never be played. However, we don't feel like considering it as a real flaw, since managing the myriad of levels produced every day is not easy at all!
The essence of Super Mario in one game
Super Mario Maker 2 packs almost the entire history of the series into one convenient title which you can also enjoy in portable mode. The predecessor certainly did not break through due to the bad luck of the Wii U, but in this case the speech is totally different.
The editor is very large and well researched and will probably be your biggest source of entertainment and headaches at the same time.
Currently It is not yet possible to play online with your friends and not even use Amiibo, which is possible in the previous title. However, we already have confirmations that with future updates it will be possible to solve the problem of friends, even if in the case of Amiibo there is no news about it yet!
It doesn't matter if you are a longtime fan of the series or a perfect novice, this title will make you fall in love with the level design process and all the complex creative process that lies behind the most famous platformer ever.
With a masterful online mode, an enviable soundtrack and technically endless replayability, Super Mario Maker 2 is confirmed as one of those must-have titles for Nintendo Switch owners.