I don't condone cheesy strategies, so take this as a PSA - a warning to help you identify and report this frustrating strategy. There's no way this was intended by the developers, and hopefully there will be a fix in the near future to rebalance and make fleet battles fun again. There has been a cheese plague, so let's talk about this particular strat. While you wait for a patch, stick with Dogfights or AI Fleet Battles.
If you're still a newbie pilot learning the ropes, why not check out our 8 tips to help you stay alive. These tips come in handy in a normal game without all the cheese.
The new Fleet Battle strategy is virtually unbeatable. It's ridiculously boring - and any coordinated 5-player team can do it. This should make it a high priority for future fixes. Here is the basic setup so you can quickly identify if this is happening to you.
- The enemy team will choose the following ships:
Support drags close to the fleet and grants bombers invisibility, sending them all towards the enemy fleet and destroying everything - no one can touch them while they are invisible.
Meanwhile, all enemy players are building morale by destroying AI bots in the match. Support can continue to raise shields and invisibility in the safe zone. Corvettes will make you fall into oblivion if you try to chase after, and morale farming is just too powerful to beat.
The only cons is using your own support, granting invisibility to fighters / interceptors, destroying annoying enemy support, then clearing enemy bombers. It's still not exactly optimal, and at the moment there is no effective strategy to counter this incredibly boring strat.
Hope there will be a fix soon. Until then, keep your eyes peeled for this strategy. The sooner you recognize it, the faster you can (attempt) to counter it.