It helps that some of these settings are completely unnecessary, and unless you pay close attention to the realities of water physics in some rare scenes, you probably won't ever know the difference. This isn't just for the single player story mode, but for the multiplayer mode - you'll need an even faster reaction time to survive the blazingly fast gunfire online. Every frame counts, and here's how to get your FPS back without sacrificing too much graphics fidelity.
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There are four main offenders that cause the most slowdowns. These are the settings, in the Fallen you must first turn down to improve performance on PC. They range from nearly useful (MSAA) to completely unnecessary (water physics quality) - and some of them, like triple buffering, are almost indistinguishable from the different when turned on / off.
- tweaks: Disable / reduce these settings first!
- Water physics quality: Lower that! It's even hard to tell what the difference is, even at the lowest. Set it to 50%.
- Triple tampon: Not worth it for the serious performance hit.
- MSAA: This anti-aliasing technique works terribly on RDR2. Instead, use TAA.
- Tessellation of trees: It's the coolest feature that makes trees look pretty good, but it's a ridiculous system hog.
These are the worst when it comes to GPU usage. There are more settings that I recommend lowering first, but it's all up to you. Test them out and if you can keep them at a high level, do so - the following settings actually do things very noticeable.
- Graphic recommendations: Modify them at your discretion!
- Lighting quality: medium
- Reflection quality: medium
- Water quality: average
- Volumetry: average
- Advanced graphics recommendations: For advanced graphics only.
- Graphics API: Vulcan
- Almost volumetric resolution: low
- Distant volumetric resolution: medium
- Particle lighting quality: medium
- Grass Shadows: Medium
- Full resolution SSAO: disabled
- Water refraction quality: medium
- Motion blur: disabled
- Geometry detail level: 60%
- Grass detail level: 40%
- Tessalization of trees: disabled
Lower those settings and you should be able to hit 60 FPS while the game still looks amazing. Good luck there, cowpokes!