Red Dead Online | Guide to horses and saddles | In a western game man's best friends are a gun and the horse. In Red Dead Online there are many breeds of horses and each of them can be equipped with better and better saddles that increase their value and performance.
In this guide we offer you some tips on the best horses to mount and saddles to unlock to get the most out of your animal. Horses, in addition to being the most common means of transport, are also a very good source of income, can be sold (although the proceeds will not be huge as in Red Dead Redemption 2) and even insured to avoid unpleasant departures and further disbursements of money to buy new ones.
Let's start the guide by describing these two options: the sale and the insurance.

Red Dead Online | Guide to horses and saddles
Let's start with driving!
Where to sell your horse
To sell horses in Red Red Dead Online Dead Redemption 2 mode, players must go to the Stables, which are located in various cities on the world map. Talk to the man who manages the Stables, then choose the Manage owned horses option. From there, players can select the horse they want to sell.
Unfortunately, at the moment it is not possible to sell stolen or wild horses in Red Dead Online , as was the case in the basic game. Players can only sell horses they already own, a bit annoying for sure and not consistent with the economy of the Wild West, but maybe it would be too easy to make money in an online game by mounting wild horses and then selling them.
Virtually all other horse management options take place in stables, so it is good to make frequent visits. If you have the money, you can buy new horses from the stables and you can also insure them.
Why should we insure the horses?

It is not uncommon to do a head-on collision with a carriage or other horse when going at high speed or seeing the animal killed by bandits or the police, so it is good to insure your horse and everyone you own in Red Dead Online the stables.
The first insurance is free of charge, while the others will have to be made on deposit. The purchase of an insurance will give injured horses of players the chance to recover automatically over time, while an insured horse that dies can be treated in a stable at no extra cost.Uninsured horses that die can also be cared for in a stable, but a fee will be charged. The only downside to buying horse insurance is that each horse requires its own insurance plan and the costs correspond to the quality of the animals. The more valuable the breed, the more the insurance will cost.
It is also worth remembering that if an opposing player kills a horse, he will have to pay the veterinary fee.
Now, however, it's time to move on to real riding on the best horses and saddles in the Rockstar game.
Red Dead Online | Guide to the best horses
Red Dead Online There are various breeds of horses, each with its own unique physical characteristics and statistics such as speed and physical endurance. The breeds are really existing and obviously have a different level of value, which affects any proceeds from sales and performance when riding.
- Level S: Arabic
- Level A: Missouri Fox Trotter | Ardennese | Andalusian | Turcomanno
- Level B: Hungarian Half-Blood | Dutch Hot Blood | Mustang | American Paint
- Level C: Nokota | American Trotter | British Pure Blood |
- Level D: Shire | Suffolk Punch | Belgian | Appaloosa
- Level E: Morgan | Kentucky Saddler | Tennessee Walker
What's the best horse?
The best horse of Red Dead Online is the Arab breed and costs quite a lot, but it is worth it. For $850, you bring an animal with excellent statistics in health, speed, endurance and acceleration to the stable. With its elite class, it is also the most agile and maneuverable horse around, making it an ideal option when galloping through dense forests full of trees.
How to unlock the Arab horse
Price: $850
Unlocking level: 66
The best horse Red Dead Online is the Arab breed and it costs quite a bit, but it's worth it. For $850, you can bring an animal with excellent statistics in health, speed, endurance and acceleration to the stable. With its elite class, it is also the most agile and manageable horse around, making it an ideal option when galloping through dense forests full of trees.
How to unlock the Missouri Fox Trotter
Price: 950 dollars
Unlocking level: 58
The most expensive horse is slightly less expensive than Red Dead Online the Arab one. This horse is available in two variants: Silver Dapple Pinto and Amber Champagne. Both cost $950, the speed and endurance statistics of this horse are practically unbeatable. Obviously, since it does not give you Red Dead Online the privilege to buy this wonderful horse until you reach level 58, you will have to play for many hours with less valuable horses such as a Kentucky Saddler, avoiding buying more expensive horses such as the Ardennese or the Turcomanno, otherwise it will be very difficult to make money again.
How to unlock the Turcomanno
Price: $ 925
Unlocking level: 56
If you don't want to wait to buy a Missouri Fox Trotter, you can "settle for" the Turcomanno, which costs a little less. This is an excellent option to know about horses and saddles in Red Dead Online .