The best Mega ampharos counters
Mega ampharos is a double-type Pokémon, along with Electric and Dragon. This gives you plenty of openings for solid counters, but the Dragon type is by far the best. In a pinch, you can probably use your strongest Dragon attacker to take them down, but there are better options if you know what to look for.
Below is a table of the standard Pokémon that are the best Mega ampharos counters in Pokémon GO. But before that, we wanted to explain other options. Shadow Dragonite with Dragon Tail and Outrage, Shadow Salamence with Dragon Tail and Outrage, and Shadow Mewtwo with Psycho Cut and Ice Beam are also solid choices, if you have them. But for the rest, check out this table for the best Mega ampharos counters in Pokémon GO.
Do you see the model? Yes, the best Mega ampharos counters are basically just the best Dragon-type characters in Pokémon GO. But for more questions and tips, keep reading the raid guide.
Pokémon GO Mega Ampharos raid guide
Below are tips, tricks, and answers to frequently asked questions about Mega Ampharos raids in Pokémon GO.
When do Mega Ampharos raids start and end?
Mega Ampharos will begin appearing in Mega Raids in Pokémon GO on Tuesday, January 19 at 10 a.m. local time. Her appearance is tied to the Hoenn celebration event which will last for the next five days. However, we have had no confirmation that Mega Ampharos will be leaving raids at this time. If you want one, you need to act fast, beating and catching as much as possible during the event. But don't be too surprised if they stay after it's all over.
How many players are needed
Mega ampharos is a tough raid challenge and you need to prepare accordingly. Based on research, Mega Ampharos can be beaten by a strong team of three players with high level counters. However, most teams do not have it, so we recommend that you only use six or more trainers if you are not sure what everyone is bringing or know they are not. not at level 40 or higher.
What climate stimulates
The weather will be an interesting factor for the Mega Ampharos raids. Windy weather will increase its dragon attacks, but also increase your own counters, which will make it rather ideal if you have a lot of players and don't plan on taking too many incoming charged attacks. Rain will increase its electric attacks with no bonus for you, so be careful of that.
Which CP for 100% IVs
Mega ampharos has a CP range of 2332 to 2426 CP. If you beat him and you get to the encounter screen and see 2426 CP you have a perfect 100% IV Mega Ampharos, so be sure to do what you can to catch him, including using Golden Razz Berries and making excellent throws.
Can mega ampharos be brilliant
Yes, mega raid bosses can be shiny, and Mega ampharos already has a shiny form available in the game. Therefore, when you do encounter one there is a one in twenty chance that it will be shiny. So if you need a shiny ampharos for whatever reason, this is a good chance to get one. Beat as many as you can and you'll have a good shot after a few.
And here's our Pokémon GO Mega Ampharos raid guide that shows you how to beat it with the best counters.