Pokémon GO Heatran raid guide
The best counters against Heatran in Pokémon GO for January 2021 can be found below, so scroll down if you know all the details and just want to pick a team. For those who want all the details, we've answered some of the bigger questions first.
When the Heatran raids begin and end in January 2021
Heatran will be billed as the Legendary Raid Leader for a week in January 2021. Raids will begin Tuesday, January 12 at 10 a.m. local time, and will continue through Tuesday, January 19 at 10 a.m. At that point, the Legendary Raid Leader will be changed to Kyogre and Groudon, so keep an eye out for our new raid guide.
How many players are needed
Heatran isn't Pokémon GO's toughest five-star raid boss thanks to his dual weakness against land-type attacks. Two coaches with a solid set of energized counters can pull it out, but few of them will have the teams to do it. We therefore recommend that you play with at least four players, unless you are very confident in your counters.
What time boosts
As a Dual Fire and Steel-type Pokémon, Heatran will be boosted in sunny or snowy weather. Only look for them if you want a more difficult challenge with a level 25 Heatran as a reward. If you want your meters to be stepped up, you should watch for clear or sunny weather instead. This will increase your ground type attacks for a faster battle.
Which CP for 100% IVs
Normally Heatran's CP range is 2058-2145 CP when captured, but an enhanced range will be 2573-2681 CP instead. Watch for those higher numbers if you care about IVs and make sure you use Golden Razz and try some great throws if you get one that's perfect.
How to get Shiny Heatran
Heatran will be available in shiny form during raids in January 2021, so now is a good time to grab one. Of course, it's all about luck with about one in twenty-five star raid bosses coming across as brilliant. It's a guaranteed take if you get one, so feel free to use a Pinap Berry to get it if you're lucky enough to find one.
The best Heatran meters
And now, the best counters against Heatran in Pokémon GO for January 2021. Below is a table of all normal counters, but keep in mind that some rare finds are better. Shadow versions of the following may be the preferred counter if you've removed Frustration. These include Shadow Swampert with Mud Shot and Earthquake and Shadow Flygon with Mud Shot and Earth Power. Otherwise, you should be good to choose one of the items below.
And here's our Pokémon GO Heatran raid guide for January 2021, which shows you all the best counters and how to beat the Legendary Beast.