Pokémon GO Darkrai raid guide
Darkrai is a Dark-type Pokémon that will appear in raids with a CP level of 2048-2136CP or 2560-2671CP if the weather is fog-boosted (one of the rarer weather types, so don't wait. not). Dark-type Pokémon are weak compared to Bug, Fairy, and Fighting-type counters, so if you don't have any of the best counters listed below, just find your strongest of those types.
To defeat Darkrai in Pokémon GO raids, you'll want to have at least two trainers in combat, although you need a strong team of counters to defeat him with that small number. Instead, you should aim for at least 3-5 trainers, always better. Also, the most suitable counters may be different depending on the Darkrai's move set in battle. You can't say this when entering combat without analyzing which Pokémon the game has automatically selected, but in short, if it has Dark Pulse, you'll want to use either combat or fairy characters, while Focus Blast requires a fairy. or a bug. However, Shadow Ball won't require too many team changes.
Before you break down the best counters against Darkrai, just note that Shadow and Mega Pokémon can change the formula. Shadow Machamp, Gardevoir, Ursaring, and Pinsir are all solid options, as is Mega Beedrill. But these aren't always available to gamers, so we'll stick with what is the best choice for most. So here are the best counters against Darkrai in Pokémon GO.
The best Darkrai counters
And this is our Pokémon GO Darkrai raid guide with how to beat it using the best counters. Good luck, hope you get a shiny one.