Guide de raid Pokémon GO Cobalion
Cobalion is a steel-type, fighter-type Pokémon, which makes it weak for ground, fire, and combat pawns. There are plenty of options to choose from, of course, but you should always keep in mind what attacks it will inflict on them as well. You don't want to come in with a team of six who are eliminated very quickly.
Cobalion can enter battle with Iron Head (Steel), Close Combat (Fighting), or Stone Edge (Rock). You can't be sure which one they will participate in, but the game will suggest a team that is not susceptible to these attacks, so try to keep that in mind when forming your team. For its fast attack, it can be Metal Claw or Zen Headbutt, which can be difficult for some teams. If you get knocked out too quickly and have to try again, try switching to other types rather than making your way with a similar team.
When it comes to how many Trainers you need, a strong team of 5 can take out Cobalion with ease. If you have Mega or Shadow counters and are best friends, you can lower that number down to 3 or 4. Clear weather will also help, giving your fire and ground type attackers more power. So with that said, here are the best counters against Cobalion in Pokémon GO.
The best cobalion counters
For starters, if you have Mega Charizard with Fire Spin and Blast Burn, now is a good time to use it. Likewise, Shadow Pokémon are still preferable to regular Pokémon, if you have high CP counters with Frustration already removed. The best would be Shadow Machamp with Counter and Dynamic Punch, Entei with Fire Fang and Overheat, or Moltres with Fire Spin and Overheat, although other types of Fire or Fighting with strong attack work well as well. Here is the rest of the regular counters ...
And this is our Pokémon GO Cobalion raid guide with how to beat it using the best counters. Good luck, hope you get a shiny one.