How to set up to earn a lot of money.
As you would have guessed by now, money is mostly earned through Random Battles and selling products through Sophia's services. While the latter gives you a good amount, we want to invest in other, combat-oriented ways.
Right off the bat, what you need to do is upgrade some Bond skills. Two of them to be exact. The first is called Extortionist and the second is Treasure Hunter. We won't mention how they're unlocked here, to keep it as spoiler-free as possible.
The extortionist function is quite simple. This increases the amount of money you get after each battle. That's all it does, and it does it well, dramatically increasing the total amount of money earned, if it's leveled to the max. Treasure Hunter, on the other hand, increases the chances of finding Treasure Demons. Mysterious Creatures are certain enemies that can appear later in the game, which if you beat, will give you a huge amount of XP points, money, and items. Therefore, investing in this skill is also beneficial for the breeding levels of your characters. They appear as red floating stones / jewels, which you attack to start the fight. They have a certain set of rules for their fights, including a countdown timer, so they can prove to be quite difficult if you try to farm them early on.
How to get big money fast.
With these 2 skills ready and defined, you can now start your farming. Just as you progress in the game, if you have them activated, you will accumulate a very good amount of them anyway. If you want to go the extra mile, or you're late in the game and farming to overcome the game's toughest challenges, you've got to grind. Grinding comes in two forms.
First up, we have the Painful Past Requests, a feature that is unlocked later in the story. These are unique side tasks that allow you to once again fight one of the main bosses in the game that you previously defeated. Which makes it an end-of-game activity, in order to have multiple enemies to choose from and fight. After each battle, if you're victorious, the amount of money you get is pretty generous, especially with Extortionist leveled up a bit more.
Finally, we have the Treasure Demons we talked about just above. Once they are activated, again upon reaching a certain prison in the story, they can be cultivated repeatedly. With the Treasure Hunter skill enabled, you can find up to 6-7 Treasure Demons in one race, so it's worth it. Destroy them all and claim a fortune, as easy as that.
I mentioned it briefly already, but both of the above grinding methods can be repeated over and over again. This means that making a lot of money fast depends only on what you are willing to grind. Either way, given that money is essential for getting great weapons and armor, and for summoning multiple Personas to use as fodder, it's almost certain that at some point you'll start grinding. Like in any RPG out there.
Person 5 Grévistes officially released on February 23, 2021 on PC, PS4 and Nintendo Switch. Those who have pre-ordered the Deluxe Edition can jump into the game now.