Loot everything and sell your waste
This tip is pretty obvious if you've played an RPG before, but it's still worth mentioning just because of the sheer amount of stuff you get from playing Cyberpunk 2077. The Weapon of the Defeated Enemy . On their own, these unwanted items and weapons will only net a few whirlwinds in a store, but if you have hundreds of unwanted items in your inventory, you can walk away with a fair amount of change every time you visit a store. Checking every nook and cranny of every location for valuables is also a good habit to get into.
Stop the crimes
Crime is common in Night City, but you don't have to be the bad guy in every situation. Reported crimes, ongoing assaults, and suspected organized crime hotspots are marked on your map with blue icons, and clearing them will reward you with a big NCPD paycheck. Take note of their listed danger levels to make sure you don't walk head-first into a death trap before you do, however. If you manage to stop an assault or clear a place where there is suspicion of organized crime activity, you can earn a lot of money just from the quest reward and looting the bodies of enemies. They're fast, they're easy, and they're everywhere.
Hack Terminals
During missions, you will likely come across terminals that you can log into and hack into. Always stop and plug them in. These terminals will transfer money to your account based on your hacking skills, and while it can be difficult to get the biggest payout, it's still worth a try. You can enter three possible codes, each corresponding to a different amount of money. Always shoot for the bigger one and try to get the other two if you can. You can walk away from each terminal a few hundred richer vortices, and those little bonuses can really add up over time.
Concerts and related jobs
These are the best ways to make money in Cyberpunk 2077. Side Tasks are long side quests that generate huge payouts, and most of them involve characters from the main story, so they're worth the effort. to be done anyway. If you just want a few quick and easy missions, then concerts are where they are at. These are smaller quests that are usually completed and completed before you know it, and while they usually don't pay as much as side jobs, you can do more in the same amount of time.
Play the main story
This one is pretty obvious, but the main story missions hand out large sums of money as a reward. If you know you are approaching a major moment in the story or a huge amount of work, then it may be worth continuing the main storyline in search of a big payoff. Not all missions pay the same, but longer missions and larger missions tend to pay the most. If you are looking to accumulate money while progressing in the game and unlocking new abilities, just keep playing the main missions.
cyberpunk 2077 is out now on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia. A Next Generation Version of the Game is Currently in Development for PS5 and Xbox Series X | S.