Well, some fans might have found a better way to do it. There is one specific mission that appears to be the fastest in the game to complete, and it's packed with resources. This mission can be repeated endlessly solo, so there's no limit to what you can farm - and it only takes around 10 minutes. This method has been shared and detailed by r / RustyBreaker, so it's not just me screaming at the clouds.
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How to farm legendary gear, XP, units, resources,
The best possible endgame farming mission might be "Leftover Day"- a mission that is unlocked during the"Supreme reign“Quest chain. This mission is always available, can be repeated endlessly and scales to match your level +5. This means that the equipment that falls here will always be +5 stronger than what you have. The mission only takes 8-12 ~ minutes to complete, so it's a quick farm.
You can repeat this mission as often as you like, and there is no important strategy - this mission can be accomplished at any level, by any hero. This mission just has tons of resources, caches, elite enemies, and side quests to clear. Be sure to press [[To the top] on your D-Pad to see all nearby chests and marked side quests. The more you complete, the more rewards you earn.
- Elite Bounty side quest: Upgrade Module x1, Legendary / Epic Gear x1
- Main Reward Chest: Vault Coordinate Key x1, Legendary / Epic Gear x1, Uru x15, and Random Resources.
- Cache SHIELD: Go left from the beginning to find a hidden SHIELD cache. You can get 2 Vault Coordinate Keys in this mission.
- Gold Chest: AIM Facility Side-Quest - x75 units, x1 upgrade mod, x1 legendary / epic gear, comic / random collection
- Money chest: AIM Facility Side-Quest (requires Iron Man or Black Widow hack) - x45 units, x1 Legendary / Epic gear
- Mission completion: Possible to get x3 levels worth XP if you complete all side quests and eliminate all elite enemies. Always get x1 motif rare et Legendary / Epic Pym Gear x1.
This mission is full of Elite enemies who will fall Epic / Legendary Gear, 10 ~ bronze chests, 1 silver chest, 1 gold chest, 1 reward chest, and each main goal earns you a huge XP bonus. Complete all side quests to get additional rewards and visit the SHIELD cache to win 2 safe contact keys - 1 in the SHIELD cache and 1 in the reward chest at the end of the mission.
It just takes About 10 ~ minutes to complete, and the more you learn the layout, the faster you will be able to go through each stage and complete the side quests and check the bronze chest stains. It's a ridiculously lucrative mission to farm, and maybe the best way to mine all the resources right now - well, with the exception of the upgrade mods. You will always want to get DNA Keys de Wicked sectors to gain +15. This mission always gives you a good amount and tons of units / shards so you can buy a few between races.