Mme Marvel Healing Support Build
This version focuses on the generation Regeneration packs to keep you and your team alive as long as possible. You'll have three total Healing Spirit charges that you can use at your discretion, and most of your abilities will have a chance to drop Regen Packs. Several of these skills also increase stun damage to ensure more withdrawal opportunities. One of these skills allows kills to generate regeneration packs, so you'll want to use Polymorph and heavy attacks to increase enemies' stun.
- Healing Spirit Specialization 1 - Will to live
- Spirit of Healing Specialization 2 - Will to fight
- High Five Specialization 1 - Very high
- High Five Specialization 2 - Help
- Embiggen Specialization 1 - Doctor's orders
- Embiggen Specialization 2 - Fists of glory
- Melee Upgrade 1 - Mastery of Heroic Energy
- Melee Upgrade 2 - Stun Control
- Melee Upgrade 3 - Control of the will
- Remote improvement 1 - Remote concussion control
- Remote improvement 2 - Grab efficiency
- Remote improvement 3 - Maîtrise you pack rain
- Intrinsic Upgrade 1 - Heroic Polymorph
- Intrinsic Upgrade 2 - Polymorphic reduction
- Intrinsic Upgrade 3 - Polymorphic intensity
- Intrinsic Upgrade 4 - Polymorphic power
- Intrinsic Upgrade 5 - Evasive energy
- Defense Improvement 1 - Agile reflexes
Mme Marvel Tank Build
This version aims to keep you Polymorphic as long as possible. It also focuses on Embiggen duration. Most of the other skills in this build focus on reducing incoming damage or increasing stun damage to keep you in the fight for as long as possible. Some abilities will drop regeneration packs, while others will generate intrinsic orbs to keep your Polymorph ability operational. Who needs a Hulk when you can make yourself this tall?
- Healing Spirit Specialization 1 - Will to live
- Spirit of Healing Specialization 2 - Concentrated heart
- High Five Specialization 1 - Very high
- High Five Specialization 2 - Applause
- Embiggen Specialization 1 - Doctor's orders
- Embiggen Specialization 2 - Fists of Fury
- Melee Upgrade 1 - Mastery of aerial combat
- Melee Upgrade 2 - Stun Control
- Melee Upgrade 3 - Intrinsic control of withdrawal
- Remote improvement 1 - Remote concussion control
- Remote improvement 2 - Grab efficiency
- Remote improvement 3 - Intrinsic mastery of typing
- Intrinsic Upgrade 1 - Heroic Polymorph
- Intrinsic Upgrade 2 - Polymorphic Defense
- Intrinsic Upgrade 3 - Polymorphic boost
- Intrinsic Upgrade 4 - Super hero stamina
- Intrinsic Upgrade 5 - Evasive energy
- Defense Improvement 1 - Agile reflexes
Mme Marvel High Damage Build
This construction maximizes attack damage in every way possible. Not only that, but critical hit chance is greatly improved through multiple attacks. These are great for targets and unique bosses, but this build also includes several skills that make Ms. Marvel perfect for dealing with large crowds. Several moves have been changed to have concussive explosions or area of effect modifiers. Additionally, Heroic Orbs will drop multiple moves to keep High Five and Healing Spirit ready to go. Finally, Polymorph increases your attack damage at all levels and has a very high critical hit rate.
- Healing Spirit Specialization 1 - Will to live
- Spirit of Healing Specialization 2 - Inner Peace
- High Five Specialization 1 - Too slow
- High Five Specialization 2 - Applause
- Embiggen Specialization 1 - Great difficulty
- Embiggen Specialization 2 - Fists of fate
- Melee Upgrade 1 - Mastery of aerial combat
- Melee Upgrade 2 - Mastery of the combo finisher
- Melee Upgrade 3 - Mastery of Heroic Withdrawal
- Remote improvement 1 - Remote concussion control
- Remote improvement 2 - Grab efficiency
- Remote improvement 3 - Heroic Mastery of the Grip
- Intrinsic Upgrade 1 - Heroic Polymorph
- Intrinsic Upgrade 2 - Polymorphic damage
- Intrinsic Upgrade 3 - Polymorphic precision
- Intrinsic Upgrade 4 - Cunning resolution
- Intrinsic Upgrade 5 - Evasive energy
- Defense Improvement 1 - Agile reflexes