Remote construction of Iron Man
This version improves all Iron Man remote capabilities and puts ranged attacks at the center of his playstyle. His repellants hit like a truck with this build, increasing base damage and critical strike chance. Headshots do additional damage as well, so make sure you place your shots carefully. Energy barrier Also improves ranged attacks if you get close. This build also emphasizes keeping your intrinsic energy meter full, allowing you to fire more shots than ever before.
- Arc Surge Specialization 1 - Arc field
- Arc Surge Specialization 2 - Defensive field
- Unibeam Specialization 1 - Omega beam
- Unibeam Specialization 2 - Concentrated fire
- Hulkbuster Specialization 1 - Hulkbuster Unibeam
- Hulkbuster Specialization 2 - Energy Star
- Melee enhancement - Mastery of aerial combat
- Upgrade withdrawal - Intrinsic control of withdrawal
- Control of ranged attacks - Critical expertise
- Ranged Weapon Mastery - Control of repellents
- Ranged weapon specialization - Repulsor Specialization
- Ranged weapon effectiveness - Repeller efficiency
- Arc reactor efficiency - Arc Reactor Kinetic Atomizer
- Progress of the arc reactor - Perfect Evade intrinsic boost
- Arc Reactor Overclocking - Increased overload damage
- Advancement of Arc Defense - Responsive generator
- Progression of the energy barrier - Tactical barrier
- Flight control - Air superiority
Iron Man melee build
This version allows you to get closer and closer melee attacks. There are still some abilities that keep your intrinsic meter high, but these are primarily meant to allow you to mix close range repulsive attacks into your combos. Rockets are the ranged weapon of choice for this build, only because they can be fired quickly without precise aim. Trigger Overload will increase your damage and critical strike chance, and getting multiple unibeam kills in a single burst will instantly overload your intrinsic meter.
- Arc Surge Specialization 1 - EMP
- Arc Surge Specialization 2 - EMP amplifier
- Unibeam Specialization 1 - Precision refractor
- Unibeam Specialization 2 - Triple bottom
- Hulkbuster Specialization 1 - Impulse of disturbance
- Hulkbuster Specialization 2 - Hyper coils
- Melee enhancement - Mastery of the combo finisher
- Upgrade withdrawal - Control of the will
- Control of ranged attacks - Mastery of weapon effectiveness
- Ranged Weapon Mastery - Mastery of rockets
- Ranged weapon specialization - Repulsor Specialization
- Ranged weapon effectiveness - Rocket efficiency
- Arc reactor efficiency - Arc Reactor Kinetic Atomizer
- Progress of the arc reactor - Perfect Evade intrinsic boost
- Arc reactor overclock - Increased overload damage
- Advancement of Arc Defense - Energized impulse
- Progression of the energy barrier - Tactical barrier
- Flight control – Postcombustion
These are the best Iron Man builds, but you can also check out our list of the best Ms. Marvel builds if you want to switch up your character.