We are safely sailing on Instagram, but all of a sudden we realize that it doesn't do us anymore follow people? We were most likely impressed by the temporary block (or shadowban) Instagram, which does not allow us to carry out certain operations. In this guide we will see everything there is to know about this problem. We will see what are the causes, the duration of the block and how to solve it. Furthermore, we will see what are the tips to be implemented to avoid being temporarily blocked by the well-known social network.
- Cause of problem
- Duration of the temporary block
- Solutions to the block
- Tips to avoid Instagram blocking
- Other interesting guides
Cause of problem
The causes of the problem can be various and do not always depend on a single reason. Furthermore, it may happen that it does not come locked completely the use of our account. For example, one or more actions can be blocked, that is, the possibility of mettere like o follow people, as in our case.
Usually, those who are the victims of this ban make use of bot to increase followers in automatic. However, even those who absolutely do not use these services are at risk of being banned. The vast majority of users are unaware of limits imposed from Instagram. They are not officially declared and mainly concern the maximum number of people per day that we can follow or unfollow or the number of likes we can put. If we have not respected one of the following limits, the reason for the block may be due to it.
Limits for follow and unfollow
- For new profiles (born less than 3 months): from 300 to 350 maximum follow / unfollow per day for the 1st week. They will increase by 50/70 every week to a maximum of 800 per day.
- For profiles born more than 3 months ago and with more than 1.000 followers: 45 follow / unfollow per hour and maximum 1080 per day.
Limits for likes and comments
There is no specific limit regarding the number of daily likes that we can put back. It is based on the number of follow actions that we carry out daily. So, the more people we follow and the more likes we can put, always remaining within the limits seen above. As for the comments, however, we recommend not to exceed 200 comments per day.
Duration of the temporary block
The duration of the block depends on the limits we have broken. It usually lasts from around 24 hours up. So it may be necessary to wait less or more than a day to get our account working again. Once the blocking is complete, it is not advisable to repeat the previous actions, as they can lead to the permanent deletion of your account.
Solutions to the block
It may seem trivial, but the only way to solve this annoying problem is expect. Instagram usually unlocks an account afterwards around 24 hours and give a second chance to banned users. If the function that has been denied us is that of follow / unfollow, we can safely continue to like and comment on the posts of our followers.
Tips to avoid Instagram blocking
I advice to avoid the temporary blocking of Instagram are few and simple. First of all, we do not recommend the use of bots which make actions automatic, or at least reduce the number of daily actions. Furthermore, it is advisable not to overdo it with follow / unfollow or with likes, as we can easily be identified as bot o spammer. Finally, if we are using bots, we do not have to carry out any type of manual operation.
Once the ban period is over, it is advisable to significantly reduce the number of actions on the social network, as from that moment on Instagram will use an iron fist at least in the first period.
Other interesting guides
Below we propose a list of related guides that you will surely find of your interest.