The HUB is the beating heart of your Satisfied factory. This is where you will work on your milestones and build important upgrades that will allow you to do new things in the game. The HUB is the very first building you will be able to build, and you will need to start upgrading it. almost immediately.

To upgrade the HUB, interact with the small console there, and then select the HUB level you want to upgrade to. The screen will show you the perks and new gear you get from the upgrade. On the “Select Milestone” tab, click Level 0, then click Upgrade Hub 1.

This upgrade requires 10 Iron Rods to complete. To get Iron Bars you will need Iron Ore first. Head to the Iron Ore Depot you previously discovered and mine for Iron. Now go to the crafting bench on the HUB and turn the iron ore into iron ingots, then the iron ingots into iron rods.
To craft an item, simply click on it in the list below, then hold the craft button while it cycles through production one item at a time.

Go back to the HUB and move the iron rods from your inventory to the small res slot.