Stunfisk makes its Pokémon Go debut during the Pokémon Tricky event, which begins April 1 and runs through April 7. Although Stunfisk debuts during this time, it won't be the last time we'll see this Pokémon as they'll still be available for you to capture epilogue.
To capture this Pokémon, the event will have exclusive looking tasks to complete for you to meet one. All trainers have the potential to find a Sudowoodo or Croagunk as well, so make sure you complete as many tasks as possible to increase your chances of being introduced to one. You also have the option of meeting one in the wild, but that's rare, so you don't want to bet too much on it, but it doesn't hurt to explore your neighbors to find it.
During the event, you can capture Stunfisk from eggs from 5 kilometers away. Once the Pokémon Tricky event ends on April 7, Stunfisk will no longer be available in 5-kilometer eggs but will remain available as a potential encounter reward for a Research Event and a potentially rare Pokémon you can find in the nature.
Stunfisk is a Ground and Electric type Pokémon with a max CP of 2162. It has an attack of 144, a defense of 171, and a stamina of 240. It is not an amazing Pokemon to add to your list, but it is is a solid choice for trainers looking to add a decent Great or Ultra League Pokémon to their line-up. The best moves for him consist of lightning strikes and shocks, mud hits and shocks, or lightning strikes and mud bombs.
Stunfisk won't be easy to capture forever. Try to meet him during the Tricky Pokémon event. If you don't, you still have opportunities through random research tasks that you can participate in, or try to be lucky enough to find in the wild all over the world.