Hello everyone, it's been quite a while since the sixth year of our journey to Hogwarts began. After everything that happened towards the end of the fifth year, we were left with a lot of questions, some of which still need to be answered. The developers surprised us quite well with this shocking betrayal of Madame Rakepick. While some players saw it coming because there were hints and foreshadowing of her betrayal all over the place, for some of us it was way too obvious. However, one can't help but wonder what Rakepick's motivations were for betraying us. Why is she working with 'R'? Was Mad-Eye Moody right when he called her "a minor player"? And if she does, who could pull the strings? All of these questions, along with many more, have yet to be resolved, and we'll certainly know more about them soon enough.
There are some dated reports that Mad-Eye Moody will be back very soon and telling us some crucial information. First of all, "R" has some of the former Death Eaters in its ranks. And that's not all. Chances are, the 'R' assassin sent to you is an escapee from Azkaban. With this new information in mind, the whole situation could be much more serious than it initially appeared. An escapee from Azkaban and the former Death Eaters… that's certainly a lot to take, and time will tell if and how we can deal with these threats.
On a positive note, it looks like the next adventure will likely be released tomorrow. This one will involve Chiara as a key figure. We will also have the opportunity to meet Remus Lupine, one of the Marauders, and learn more about him. Ultimately, if we manage to complete this adventure on time, we will be able to become friends with Chiara and add her to our friend list. This will open up many new and interesting ways to get to know her better, something Hogwarts Mystery fans have been asking for since entering the game a year ago. As a reminder, last year, the Halloween Feast adventure was published a week before Halloween. This is why it can be assumed that this adventure will most likely follow the same pattern, which means that it will probably be released tomorrow.
We're also starting our first Quidditch adventure quite quickly. According to dated information, it will present us with a new Comet broom. Like most others, this adventure will be limited in time and will last roughly the same duration as most classic adventures.
As for the side quests, we will soon have the side quest involving the crup puppy. To complete it we will need to get a crup puppy as a pet. As for Hagrid's friendship quests, the next part of the quest will involve the Welsh Green Dragon. Since cruppy and Welsh Green cost a considerable number of notebooks (120 chestnuts for cruppy, 60 reds and 30 blues for Welsh Green), it might be time to start saving them.
As for the other items that have yet to be dated, it's quite safe to think that we'll likely have another Christmas vacation adventure. The first was very well received by the community and it would be a shame not to release another. Moreover, it is only a matter of time before the developers continue the romantic adventures of our characters by introducing the Second Date adventure. This is a pretty safe assumption since the First Date adventure was by far the most popular adventure in the Hogwarts mystery.
All in all, the future looks very bright for Hogwarts Mystery, and hopefully the developers will continue to listen to feedback from the community, which should make the game more fun and enjoyable for everyone.