If the addition of Bloodborne to the Plus free games a few months ago brought avalanches of new players to one of the most acclaimed PS4 exclusives ever, the release of Dark Souls Remastered had a similar impact. There are many, in fact, users who have taken the opportunity to visit again the world of the first and unforgettable chapter of the saga that we all know, but as many are the players who, thanks to this remastered, have decided to approach for the first time to a title as challenging as fascinating and satisfying. This guide is aimed precisely at this second category of gamer, and will aim to help them in one of the first steps of the creation of their character: the choice of class.
Dark Souls Remastered Which class to choose?
As the most passionate fans will surely know, our first step Dark Souls Remastered will be to create our character. Beyond the statistics that we decide to upgrade or not, it will be important to choose the right class for our protagonist. Although the class doesn't really have an impact on the game, it should be noted that it will have a less hard impact on the game, allowing less experienced players to enjoy the title From Software. Precisely for this reason, you should choose your character's class based on what your style of play is, whether you prefer hand-to-hand combat or more "ranged" combat, and, above all, based on what your experience with this saga is.
Dark Soul Remastered: The Knight for less experienced players

If this Dark Souls Remastered is to all intents and purposes your first approach to the saga, we can only recommend this class to start your adventure. The Knight is the class with the most waist points available, as well as being equipped with the most resistant armor. If our hero will be able to count an overall resistance of no small amount, in contrast to the weight of the armor that wears will not allow him who knows what speed of movement. Precisely for this reason, if you decide to play the role of the Knight, know that, in the various fights you will face, you will have to suffer a few blows. The Faith he possesses will also allow this character to learn healing miracles.
Based on what has now been said, we recommend this class to inexperienced players, who will be able, thanks to a good quality initial equipment, feel free to make a few more mistakes without the anguish of seeing the fateful inscription "You're Dead".
The Pyromancer for the most experienced and demanding players

If you're a gamer who's already "dead" and if you've already made the callus to the many dangers present in the world of Dark Souls, the Pyromancer is the class for you. Unlike the Knight, in fact, the Pyromancer bases much of his offensive potential on ranged attacks. There will be many cases in which you won't even have to get close to an enemy to defeat them. This class is, moreover, the only one to start your adventure at level 1; for this reason, it will be much easier to level your character. However, we have a tip to give you: only use pyromaniacs against really strong enemies. The spells you'll have at your disposal will have very few uses, at least at the beginning. The fireball, for example, can only be used eight times. Depending on what you've now written, choose your spells' targets carefully.
If it is true that pyromanzie will allow you to defeat enemies that other classes would have difficulty to take out, and if the axe that the Pyromancer has allows him to easily eliminate weaker enemies, be careful: this class is the most delicate of all. Its low vitality and virtually non-existent armor represent the Pyromancer's true Achilles heel. According to what is now written, if you choose this class, be careful never to be cornered, because you will meet a premature end.