In GreedFall, all of your companions have various missions and quests that they need help with. If you want, you can choose to help them on their journeys and turn their knowledge into strong allies.
Greedfall: How to find Queen Bladnid
When you first arrive in New Serene, you will meet Siora, who will ask you to help her on a quest. This quest, The Battle of the Red Spears, is relatively straightforward, but I can give you some essential advice. If you try to participate in a battle that Siora's mother is involved in, you will come to a crossroads. At this point, you should listen to Siora and head in the direction she advises you.
Play the rest of the quest, then talk to Siora, who will once again ask you to help. Agree to help him again, then head to The Red Woods in Vedrad. You need to speak to the captain of this outpost. You will find out that her mother is dead and go see her body. Allow Siora to pay homage to her mother. Then you have to speak with the captain to try to convince him to let you take the body.
If you have a good Charisma score, you can try to seduce him this way, but you'll probably have to find another way to do it. At the back of the camp you will find the officers' quarters. It has two doors, so be sure to go through the unguarded one. There is a letter on the table. Read it to find out a secret about the officer. After that, you need to open a nearby chest using a key or your lockpicking skills.
Once the chest is open, you will have to wait for the captain at a particular location indicated in the game. Go ahead and crouch behind some rocks to wait for him. The captain will encounter smugglers and you will likely have to fight them, as well as the captain. When the smugglers are dead, the captain will stop fighting and agree to hand over Queen Bladnid to you. Take the option to automatically return to the village, talk to Eseld and tell him what happened. You will earn reputation points with Siora for completing this quest.
Important note: If you take the safe lock, the quest step will not advance. Go to your journal, find the quest, then tap the guide button at the bottom of the screen to "follow up" and manually move it to the next stage.