Creative mode is one of the most popular aspects of Fortnite. Not only can it provide some practice for battle royale mode, but the possibilities for different ideas are endless.
Over the course of Creative's lifespan, we've seen some truly spectacular maps and modes made by creators. Whether it's a fun, carefree card or a real beauty, you'll be hard-pressed to run out of cards to play with.
However, there will always be some above the others. Today we're going to walk through four of the best creative maps you can play Fortnite in.
1. Cizzorz Deathrun 4.0
FaZe Cizzorz is one of the creators who made creative mode as popular as it is today. Her first Deathrun sparked tons of interest on Twitch and YouTube, raging adult men and women like never before.
However, we think his fourth installment is his best work, and the most difficult. Complete with every Fortnite trap and complicated levels to navigate, Deathrun 4.0 is sure to keep you glued to your screen with frustration and pleasure.
The code for Cizzorz Deathrun 4.0 is: 2778-3253-4171.
2. Gun battle: pine forest
While most creative cards are designed for fun and goofing around with friends, some of the best cards are those that implement a competitive aspect. It's fullscreen with Gunfight: Pinewood Forest.
Taking on the concept of Modern Warfare 2v2 Gunfight mode, this map puts a Fortnite spin on stand-up 1v1 combat. Pinewood Forest is a fast paced little map that takes construction out of the equation completely.
As in Modern Warfare, this map randomly generates player loading each turn. You only have one life per turn and the first to four turns wins the match. Additionally, a storm begins to unleash after about a minute, forcing players into the middle of the map. Gunfight: Pinewood Forest was created by BluDrive on YouTube.
The code for Gunfight: Pinewood Forest is: 9189-9290-1074.
3. Junkyard Juke
This creative map takes elements from both casual and competitive play. Taking an age-old concept, Prop Hunt, Junkyard Juke makes things fun on both sides, as props and hunters.
Unlike other Prop Hunt modes, Junkyard Juke blinds hunters for five seconds as props attempt to get closer to the center of the map. If the props arrive at the incinerator in the center of the map, they win this turn. However, the hunters watch from above, ready to shoot any props they see.
The Junkyard Juke card is well balanced, giving no advantages to props or hunters. This creative card is best played with friends, but you can play with anyone and have a great time.
The code for Junkyard Juke is: 1113-6823-4725.
4. Castle Super Smash Bros. Hyrule
Taking one of the most classic cards from one of the most beloved games can never go wrong. Hyrule Castle from the original Super Smash Bros. is completely redesigned and playable in Fortnite Creative.
Armed with unlimited ammo, a grappler, and a flintlock pistol, you and up to three other players can make it through Hyrule Castle. The movement provided by the Grappler and Flint-knock creates tons of high-flying action. Other weapons you may have include the boom bow, shotgun, pulse grenades, and more.
At the start of the match, you have 150 health, which decreases when you are hit. Like in the original Super Smash Bros., you can fall off the map and lose a life. The player with the most eliminations at the end of the match wins.
The code for Super Smash Bros. Hyrule Castle is: 6400-7723-2171.