Christmas is a wonderful time of year when families come together and enjoy spending time together. We can't count how many times gamers have probably wanted a console, gaming accessory, or video game to be under the Christmas tree. To make the holiday mood more fun, there are a handful of video games that have Christmas decor or have holiday-centric themes.
There are some amazing games and some not so good ones, but we'll highlight five that always take the holiday theme into account. Here are five of the best games around the Christmas holidays.
Duke Nukem: Nuclear Winter (1997)
As an expansion for Duke Nukem 3D, Nuclear Winter is silly but awesome additional content for the iconic Duke to save Christmas by defeating a mind-controlled Santa. And yes, this is something that happens in the expansion. The game includes areas filled with winter to fit the Christmas season and new locations such as a toy factory, Santa's headquarters, and a Christmas village. The levels may not be fully recreated, it does a great job with the Christmas theme.
Batman: Arkham Origins (2013)
Batman: Arkham Origins Rocksteady may not have been made, but it's still a decent title that explores Batman's origins before Gotham City sees him as the hero he needs but doesn't deserve. . The in-game setting takes place during Christmas time, and while it's just the setting, it matches the way the game is approached with the wonderful time of year happening while being in. a dangerous place like Gotham City. Arkham Origins plays like a regular Arkham game, but with a bonus Christmas theme.
Saints Row IV (2013)
Saints Row IV can enter the Christmas holidays with the How the Saints Save Christmas Mission Pack. The plot centers on your personalized boss who never really felt the merry Christmas feelings. They are also tasked with saving Santa Claus from his own simulation while helping him find the true meaning of Christmas. The writing is hilarious but also heartwarming and the missions are a lot of fun. If you want a game with a humorous Christmas theme, How the Saints Save Christmas from Saints Row IV is the perfect choice to play.
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge (2004)
For a video game based on Tim Burton's beloved classic, The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge is a decent game to get you into the Christmas spirit. You'll also find Halloween themes here, but that's what you'd expect with the movie-inspired in-game themes. You can explore areas such as Christmas Town and meet Santa Claus to further the holiday theme. Oogie's Revenge might not be a fancy game, it's a nostalgic treat to look back on.
Donkey Kong Country 3: Double Trouble de Dixie Kong (1996)
Donkey Kong Country 3 is a bit of a stretch as it isn't necessarily Christmas-centric, but it does have bonus levels with the winter / holiday theme. By naming your file with the secret code “Merry”, you will turn the game into a beautiful Christmas experience. The levels play Christmas music and you collect bells and gifts. Since the game's release date was a month before Christmas, Rare knew how to keep the spirit reigning while waiting.