Shoreline is the fourth map added to the hardcore survival first-person shooter Escape from Tarkov. Adjacent to the port area, the map is an important part of the outskirts of Tarkov and includes a large beach, gas station, weather station, and cell tower. Other aspects include villages, commercial buildings and vast fields.
As the second largest card in Escape From Tarkov, the loot is also multiplied by several folds. However, with greater loot comes a greater amount of opponents. Therefore, a guide to mining locations is extremely important - just in case a firefight breaks out and your odds of winning aren't great.
Escape from Tarkov features the Scav and PMC factions. Like most maps, Shoreline is split between the two factions, with a slot shared between the two. However, the Scavs hold seven exit points and the PMCs hold only four. In addition, the majority of PMC exit points are not always available either.
Neutral extraction points
Points d'extraction PMC
- Temporary CCP (PMC)
- The CCP Temp location is next to the Shipyard Crane and Scav Tower - two areas filled with Scav.
- Rock Passage (PMC)
- This is one of the extraction points that does not always work. Players should only approach if green smoke is visible.
- Dockside boat (PMC)
- The Pier Boat is in the same area as the lighthouse. However, the boat only comes every now and then so this location is not a guaranteed outing either.
- Tunnel (PMC)
- The tunnel is easy to find on the map. However, it is located next to several Scav extraction points which are filled with players and AI. Fortunately, this is the only exit point that is still available for the PMC faction.
Points d'extraction SCAV
- ADM basement (SCAV)
- Phare (SCAV)
- Ruined house fence (SCAV)
- Ruined road (SCAV)
- The ruined road is in the middle between the bunker and tunnel locations. It is near the split in the road, where a path leads to the tunnel.
- RWing Gym Entrance (SCAV)
- The entrance to the RWing Gym is also located in the psychiatric hospital, but in the eastern part. An easy identifier will be the swimming pool placed near the gymnasium.
- Passage of the south fence (SCAV)
- The South Fence Passage is at the intersection of the wall connected to the Road to Customs exit point and the Rock Passage power lines.
- Svetliy Dead End (SCAV)
- The Svetliy cul-de-sac is in the middle of the village, near the fence that serves as the map border. There are a lot of AI Scavs there, but they don't fire unless provoked.