The Season of Dawn continues in Destiny 2, but all signs are that we are preparing for the next season with the Empyrean Restoration event.
What is the Empyrean Foundation
The Empyrean Foundation is a new seasonal event for Season of the Dawn. Saint-14 asks for help to restore the lighthouse on Mercury. All signs suggest that this will somehow lead to the return of Trials of Osiris next season, which is called Season of the Worthy.
You will need to have completed the Cornerstone quest to be able to get a new quest from Saint-14 in the Tower Hangar. The new quest is called Heart of the Sundial.
At the heart of the quest for the sundial
The first step
For this step, you will need to collect orbs of light. Stock up on Masterworked weapons, then head to any matchmade event. The Sundial, Menagerie, or even Public Events all have plenty of Guardians that generate Orbs of Light, and you'll have this step completed in no time.
Second step
Now is the time to head to the tower and interact with the tower obelisk. You place all the collected Light there. You will receive an on-screen message informing you that the Tower Obelisk acts as a conduit to all of the other obelisks in the game and can be used to fund the Empyrean Restoration effort.
Third step
Go visit Osiris at the sundial on Mercury. He will give you an interesting story, and the quest will be over.
You can now start donating Polarized Fractaline to the Obelisk, to help fund the Restoration. The Guardians will have five weeks to donate as much Polarized Fractaline as possible to the Tower Obelisk. If you manage to contribute 5000 Fractaline to the Obelisk, you will receive an Emblem and a Shader.
Crucial information is that the Tower Obelisk will generate Fractaline every week, and the amount it will increase as you increase the Resonance Rank of other Obelisks.