And sometimes the leveling up can be slow. If you're aiming to keep up with the growing threat from enemies and bosses, you'll have to creak levels at times. There are several ways to do this - but one of the best methods is to acquire metal keys. These rare keys can be used to grant you access to a Metal Mud Dungeon which is great for earning tons of XP. There are also other ways to level up. Let's talk about the three main methods that you can easily use for XP and level up in.
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Method # 1: Metal Keys
As you progress through the game you will earn metal keys. These special keys grant you access to the Metal Ruins dungeon - and that's where you'll earn a ton of XP. You can also buy additional metal keys at the bazaar if you need to visit more often.
Before entering a metal mud dungeon, it is useful to have some metal weapons. This will make cleaning up the dungeon a lot easier. You will also (maybe) want to trade vocations for all of your characters. Switching to another vocation that you haven't upgraded yet will help you gain tons and tons of extra levels.
Method # 2: Join other parties online
Here is a very simple one. If you join other games online, you will not lose any stamina and you can play on high level maps. Your party members won't earn any XP, but your main character will. This simple method is best used if you want to level up your MC to its maximum level to gain all of those nice perks and calling bonuses.
Method # 3: grinding locations
The final method is the easiest - just grind specific slots to earn a lot of XP. It's best if you're a low level gamer and just need a few quick XP. Here are some handy places you can try for yourself.
- Abbaye d'Alltrades - Troll: 90 XP / 1 Endurance
- Green Dragon Stage 1: 80 XP / 1 Endurance
- Training Cave - Jackanape: 120 XP / 3 Endurance
There are other places you can endlessly grind for XP, but these are a few that give you good XP / stamina cost. The trick is to use the less stamina to gain the most XP.