We're all looking for the weird atmosphere and the original characters, but the sequel seems to have even more issues than its predecessor. In no time, we experienced terrible FPS, several crashes, black screens, no response from the controller, etc.
That's a lot of issues, and if you're having an even worse framerate than the normal (and absurdly low) 15 FPS, or one of the other issues we have, there are a few tips you can keep in mind. to fix things. Here are five tips to keep in mind.
One tip you won't find here is about money - learn how to make money, and why you don't want to hit kids, on our guide here.
Bug fixes and ways to improve performance
#1: Disabling automatic recording seems to help fix random black screen problem many players know. Be careful, game crashes are not uncommon, so be sure to manually record often.
# 2: Do not reset default settings! If you choose to reset settings to their defaults, the game will revert to Japanese text - and, as you can imagine, reverting it back to English is a lot harder after that.
# 3: Turn off the game and restart to improve performance. Due to memory leak issues, performance gets worse the more you play - don't blame Swery too much for this one, games like and have these issues too. If you have been playing for too long, close the game and reopen it.
# 4: Try reload a backup file ou enter / exit a building à reset controls. The controls get locked sometimes - there are a few things you can do to fix things. Either reload a save, enter a building to go through a loading screen, or get hit by an enemy. Otherwise, you will have to deactivate the game and reset it.
# 5: Improve your skateboard speed drastically lowers the FPS. At least when you're skateboarding. If an extremely low FPS makes you nauseous, you might want to go for a slower skateboard and avoid getting that upgrade.