Teamwork will be the key to success, so call your friends. You will need it.
There are currently 43 Brawlers to choose from, in this vast roster of quirky characters, and more are added frequently. This means that the possible team combinations are literally in the hundreds, which makes it really difficult to find the one that will best suit the maps in this challenge. That said, there are some Brawlers and Teams that perform exceptionally well in all conditions. A few tweaks may be needed here and there, depending on the map, as we've mentioned, but in general, the ones that will be included below are a solid choice nonetheless.
Additionally, it should be noted that each Brawler's Star Power and gadgets should be changed accordingly to accommodate the current setup. Don't be afraid to experiment with those who may not be as strong as if you were playing solo, as they can shine in a team environment.
The last tip, before we continue with our suggestions, would be to try playing this new challenge with a friend. The “Find a Team” feature works well enough, but it is not suggested for important events like this. Playing with random players around work can also do the trick, but it's pretty risky. It is almost certain that the challenge will have a limited number of losses, before you are forbidden to enter it, and playing with hazards reduces the chances of successfully completing this event.
A friend knows your playstyle better, and vice versa, and you can communicate while in the game. This way, you can both plan ahead or act quickly when the occasion calls for it. In all cases, everyone can choose their way of managing the Challenge, but it is advisable to play with a partner. It's also a lot more fun, so don't forget that.
Now, let's review the suggested teams.
Nita and Amber
To be fair, these two Brawlers could fit into any team combination, really, with Nita being the mainstay. Their kits work so well with almost everyone else on the list, so putting them together is the icing on the cake. This is also the reason why I will try to avoid using them in any other setup, as there are equally strong teams in the game.
Nita is the definition of a balanced Brawler, with his Super summoning his loyal friend, Big Baby Bear. There you go, within seconds your enemies have 3 members on a team to deal with, instead of two, and Nita's star powers make this bear even better, so it's a constant threat that should never be underestimated. Combine it with Nita's normal attack, which has a short cooldown and a large shock wave, capable of attacking multiple enemies, these two alone can threaten anyone.
amber on the other hand, it's all about damage and can take advantage of the whole situation, burning you with its flames, while you try to escape from the rest of the team. His powers and Star gadget can dramatically increase his DPS, if used correctly, making this team a complete nightmare to deal with.
Bo and Carl
A team frequently used even by veterans of the game, Bo and Carl synergize with each other so well, eventually making them a solid combination. I would call them a "control" team, due to their ability to ward off enemies or bring them closer depending on the situation, using their skills.
Bo can deal a large amount of damage very quickly, especially if whoever uses it can predict enemy movement. Its normal attack spreads in one direction while the animation is still going on, so knowing where the enemy brawler will go is vital. The rest of his kit complements this feature so well, as he plants mines from a distance with his Super. This way, he can force enemies to try to avoid them, taking advantage of this to plan his normal arrows. His gadgets and star powers are mostly on the utility side, so their choice depends on current setup, team member, and map.
Carl further complements this style of play, with its boomerang type attack, covering much needed space. Bo can even use his arrows or mines to "spot" the area, stunning enemies with the latter (with his Star Power "Snare a Bear") to cause Carl to jump with his own Super, turning him into a whirlwind. dead. . Literally. All Brawlers caught in this Synchro Attack are 100% complete. It requires good timing, which is why playing with someone you can communicate with is a must.
Darryl and Piper / Bea
Another fan favorite, Darryl and Piper are a solid combo to use, with little to say. Bea can be used as an alternative, due to her ability to support Darryl with her innate sluggishness in her attacks, but she lacks Piper's survivability. Eventually, Darryl will reach a point where he can no longer act as a shield for his teammate, hence the reason why Piper's Super makes him the preferable choice.
Darryl Is simple. He's a solid close-range brawler, capable of taking tons of punches and returning them respectively. Her Super can be used in so many ways, from chasing enemies to fleeing with a fraction of her life. This is also the reason why Darryl can be really unpredictable at times, which makes him a tough opponent to crack, with his stellar powers and gadget on top of that.
Piper is even simpler than Darryl, its gameplay being "aim well, hit hard". Her thing is, the further away she is from her target, the stronger her shot becomes, capable of even shooting 1-2 lightly damaged brawlers. Her Super blasts her across the sky, dodging whatever comes her way, while also dropping bombs, which can surprisingly act like a deadly move more often than you might think. Together, these two can deal with all kinds of situations, spanning both the long and the short term.
Sandy and Lou
Probably one of my personal favorites, and the weirdest on this list. What this duo lacks in combat prowess completely makes up for it in its usefulness.
Sandy is a sleeping boy, but don't be fooled by its almost disgusting use in the field. His normal attacks are nothing to brag about, but with the help of his Super and Lou, he becomes a complete package and tool for success. He can make him and his partner invisible for a whole 9 seconds, which can be the reason a fight is won or a successful escape. Additionally, his stellar powers make him an aggressive threat or a full-fledged supporter with an AOE healing that lasts as long as Sandstorm is active.
Lou. What can we say about this literally "cold" guy. This is one of the most recent additions to Brawl Stars, but it has already proven itself as a big threat. Not only that, it has one of the most unique kits in the game, focusing on slowing down opponents and freezing them. While he can handle the most damage on the team, he's actually a support unit like Sandy. Combining them together can be devastating for any team with their constant support for each other. His Super “Can-Do” makes the ground slippery, controlling enemy movement, and his normal attack can also freeze enemies for 1,0 seconds. If one of the Star Powers is active, Lou gains additional perks, such as the ability to reduce his cooldowns or freeze them with his Super as well. A literal powerhouse when it comes to sabotaging enemy teams, so never underestimate this so called "cool" guy!
Honorable mentions
I will end this guide with a few honorable mentions, along with other outstanding brawlers for this Duo Challenge. As we mentioned before, since there are 43 characters in the game, it would be unfair to exclude everyone else from a place in the top teams, especially when there are multiple cards that could be presented. . Here are a few:
- Byron
- Germinate
- Emz
- Uncomfortable
- Penny
- Jessie
- Jacky
- punchline
- Brock
- Poco
Teaming up these names here, is also as good as the ones mentioned at the beginning of the article, but just not as dominant. That said, a player's skill equals the choice of brawler someone can make, so take into account that there are many different aspects that can affect a team's performance. Make sure to plan ahead with your partner and pick a team that you both can complete accordingly.
The new Duo Challenge starts tomorrow, so be sure to do your best to earn the big reward, Warrior Bo. Hope this brief guide has given you all ideas and ideas for setting up your teams, so good luck and brawl!