If you have a soft spot for semi-automatic rifles, you may find yourself drawn to the Type 63. In its simplest form, the weapon looks somewhat unappealing. With our loading guide, we will show you how to transfer the rifle in an easy choice.
Best Type 63 Gear and Accessories
- Optical - Axial arms 3x
- Unlocks at weapon level 12
- Barrel - 16,4 "Titanium or 21,5" Match Grade
- Unlocks at weapon levels 30 and 39, respectively
- Underbarrel – Spetsnaz ergonomic handle
- Unlocks at weapon level 41
- Manipulate - Elastic band Gru
- Unlocks at weapon level 53
- Stock- Pad KGB
- Unlocks at weapon level 54
The first thing to sort out is the Type 63's ugly iron sights. Axial arms 3x Optic can be used comfortably at a variety of distances. And the lower magnification means reflections won't play a role in revealing your location.
There are two choices for the barrel depending on the typical expected engagement range. Shorter distances, which are common in basic multiplayer modes, will benefit from the 16,4 ″ titanium Barrel. The increased rate of fire allows for quick follow-up shots and better close-body survival. the 21,5 ″ Match Grade The cannon doubles the base damage range for those who drag a bit further. Don't get carried away by the 18,3 ″ Strike Team Barrel damage increase. It only goes up from 68 to 74. And the enemy's health is set at 150, which means it will still take three shots without a headshot.
le Spetsnaz ergonomic handle The attachment under the barrel facilitates horizontal and vertical recoil, making the weapon easier to control with successive shots. The shot speed penalty is not a terrible lag.
le Elastic band Gru The handle adds a strong resistance to the thrill. Taking pictures of enemies will not have such a big effect on aiming with this accessory. ADS speed is also increased which is never a bad thing.
le Pad KGB Stock hinders hip fire speed, a negligible area for tactical rifles, in favor of sprinting to fire and aiming for movement speed. This balances out a few other drawbacks found elsewhere in the load and keeps operator mobility under control.
Now that we've shown you how to build the Type 63, take a look at our Multiplayer Perks Guide to see what you need to combine.