With League of Legends: Wild Rift Closed Beta just starting, many players are getting their first taste of Champions in this console and mobile version of the iconic MOBA.
Starting out in any game like this can be intimidating when you look at the champions you can play with. You want to make sure you find the ones that can best facilitate you in the game and help you learn the ins and outs of the game.
That's why we have the best champions for all beginners to choose from:
Master Yi

Master Yi is arguably the easiest champion to start in the entire game. His abilities help him to be able to dominate the middle lane with ease. He can actually wipe out the entire enemy team on his own. When you activate his Ultimate to increase your attack and movement speed, you can become even more of a threat.

Lux is one of the more popular choices for Mage or Support players, as his abilities allow him to dominate the middle lane with high magic damage. His ultimate can completely deplete the health of the entire enemy team in one hit, making him an invaluable asset to your team.

The most efficient of all Tank / Support champions, Braum is able to absorb an incredible amount of damage and protect his teammates. His shield ability can block any type of projectile attack, and his ultimate will launch enemies he hits into the air, opening them up to attacks from your teammates.
Miss Fortune

A great sniper champion, Miss Fortune is perfect for pecking at enemy health from a safe distance, especially with her skill shooting. Her passive will allow her to move faster when she hasn't taken damage, and her ultimate is an area-of-effect attack that deals a ton of damage. If used correctly, it can wipe out an entire team, all by itself.

Where Braum is the best tank for the support role, Garen is the best for the fighter role. Not only can he take a lot of damage, but the damage he can deal is staggering. His ultimate will summon a sword at a target enemy and deal an absurd amount of damage. Her silence ability will prevent enemies from using an ability for a period of time. It can be a real headache for the other team.
Xin Zhao

A fan favorite, Xin Zhao offers a lot to those who play with him. He may be the one to run head first into battle and take on enemies, or he may choose to go around the edges and take a more stealthy approach. If you use her ultimate ability correctly, you can push an entire team anywhere you want.

Able to carry the entire team, Annie is a mage who can deal a lot of damage to enemies. His ultimate will spawn a huge burning bear that will tear apart everything in its path. Its damage is also very high, making it a perfect choice for those looking to leave destruction in its wake.

Since he could very well be the Champion assigned to you by default when you start the game, and for good reason. She has a decent range on her attacks and when you summon her ultimate (a giant crystal arrow) the range is literally the entire map and you can control the arrow's flight path.

Soraka is a great champion at hitting other players and providing solid support for your teammates. She can heal her entire team with her Ultimate, which, as you can imagine, can completely change the tide of a battle in an instant. Of all the Support Champions, she is also the easiest to learn.

Nasus is one of the easiest champions to learn and play, which is why he is one of the most selected champions in League of Legends. It absorbs damage, deals damage, and poses a global threat to any enemy it encounters.
He can be a huge advantage in the laning phase of the game, with his ultimate increasing pretty much all of his stats and armor, while also dealing damage to enemies around him.