One of the unique elements of Apex Legends in the battle royale genre, unlike games like Fortnite, Spellbreak, and Hyper Scape, the characters aren't just skins. Each character comes with a built-in set of abilities that adhere to a certain playstyle (offensive, defensive, support, and recognition) and these move sets each contain a passive ability, a tactical ability, and of course, an ultimate ability.
That said, not all ultimates are created equal. Here's a look at the five best Ultimate Abilities in Apex Legends.
Care set (Lifeline)
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There is no doubt that the most coveted ultimate in the game is Lifeline. Her ultimate allows her to summon a healing package into the arena, much like the neutrals players fight for, but without the fanfare. This allows players to have that head start in the arena. However, it also has the longest charge time, so it is customary to ping the ultimate accelerators for Lifeline networks.
Totem of Death (Revenant)
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This is the last ultimate to make this list, having been added to the game in Season 4. Revenant places a totem pole that allows the entire team to enter shadow mode, in which you cannot use your body shield, but if you die you instantly regenerate to the totem pole. This ultimate is extremely useful as you can charge up and carry a team, then come back to finish them off.
Nox gas grenade (caustic)
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It's one of the ultimate with a shorter charge time, but it can be a literal lifeline. Throwing Nox Gas into a battle against a fallen teammate is one of the best ways to get your ally back without another team coming to attack you. You can also use it for more loot time in combat. Be careful, however, if one of the surrounding enemy squads also has a Caustic, it can still travel inside the gas without taking damage.
Party life (Mirage)
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This ultimate may be one of the fastest payloads in the game, but it's also extremely valuable. First of all, it's good for a quick solo or team escape: creating a huge amount of moving decoys keeps you and your team safe. It can also be used to distract your opponents by shooting the decoys in front of them, then allow you and your teammates to sneak up to kill from behind.
Beast of the Hunt (Bloodhound)
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So far, all of the ultimate abilities listed have benefited the whole team. He's not one of them. Bloodhound's ultimate turns them into a superhuman player. Their speed increases, they can follow where enemies are even if the trail has turned cold, and their vision turns grayscale and highlights enemies in red, even when obscured by gas or smoke. There is nothing scarier in the game than fighting an Ultimate Bloodhound. They can certainly pack a shot on their own.
These two were so close to making the list, Interception Pylon Honorable Mentions (Wattson), Heal Shields, but have recently been nerfed to only last 90 seconds and Zipline Gun (Pathfinder) good for traveling to a distant ring or charge into a battle, but enemies can also use it.