Telegram is currently one of the most versatile applications on the market because it offers its users a large number of tools to communicate with the people they love the most and with the environment around them. In addition to the instant messaging services with which you can chat, you will be able to discover a a large number of thematic channels where you can receive information about all the topics you are interested in.
Of course, one of the most famous apps for chatting is WhatsApp, but Telegram is getting right below it, with a whopping more than 700 million users around the world. That has allowed Telegram to create a wide network of contacts that are always kept together.
It offers services such as individual chats, group chats and also channels with a wide range of topics. channels that have very diverse themes. You can find channels that talk about music, movies, series, sports, and so on.
These thematic channels offer information about any of the topics that users are interested in that users are interested in, such as e-books, for example. Therefore, in this article we want to introduce you to the best Telegram channels to download books totally free of charge.
Some of these channels offer open books so that everyone can download them, but you have to be careful because sometimes these files are copyrighted, so we recommend that you read well everything you are going to download before doing so.
Of course, there are also many books by authors whose rights have expired and can be downloaded completely free of charge. Next, we want to show you the best Telegram channels to download e-books:
Eboks en EspañolThis channel is ideal for all those who are looking for self-help, psychology or history books, as it has a very large catalog with a large number of free titles to download.
Digital LibraryAs its name suggests, this channel is literally a digital library. In it you can find a wide collection of books about the topics that interest you most, such as horror, psychology, novels, fantasy, romance, etcetera. You can download these books through different download links offered by the Telegram channel.
Free booksEvery two or three days you can find new books in this Telegram channel and you can download them in PDF format. These books are of very different genres and you will be able to find current novels and also the most important classics of literature.
Medical Books PDFMedical Books: Of course, in Telegram there are specialized channels for different sectors of the population. This specific channel deals with medical topics and you can find all the books that correspond to the different specialties within the medical field.
PsychologyPDFIf you are interested in psychology, either professionally or simply as a hobby, this channel is specialized in this subject. You will be able to find all kinds of books in the field of psychology and, in addition to the cover image, you will be offered a brief description of the book's contents.
Free BooksLearning English by reading is now possible thanks to these Telegram channels. If you are looking for books or magazines in English to start practicing this language, this is a very complete channel where you will find all kinds of foreign language books, whether fiction or non-fiction.
Spanish EbooksThe books published in this channel are in EPUB format so that you can insert them directly into your e-book without having to change the format with third-party programs. In addition to the cover of each of the books you are interested in, you will be able to see a small review explaining the summary of what you are about to read and the opinions of some of the users who have already read the novel.
EPUB Books: This is one of the few Telegram channels that offers books in EPUB format to be read on e-books or smartphone, without having to change the format through special programs. You will find a cover and a brief synopsis of each book and it specializes in literary classics that you can't miss.
Some of the new Telegram users are still wondering if you can download books from this same application and the answer is a resounding yes. You can download books in electronic format through Telegram. You will find the books in the channels we have mentioned above and they come in the form of links. You will only need to follow the download instructions provided by the platform.
Other Telegram channels that may interest you
By now you will have realized that Telegram has a large number of topics that it deals with in its channels. If you like books, but you are also a fan of another type of hobby, we leave you with some articles in which you will find Telegram channels that may be of interest:
We hope that this article about the best Telegram channels to download books has helped you find the channels that will help you on the platform, to become a regular reader without having to spend too much in the process. To access these channels all you have to do is click on the title of the channel you are most interested in and, if you have the Telegram app downloaded on your device, the link will link you directly so you can join the channel and start downloading your favorite books.