Bleeding Edge is a multiplayer centric game that pits two teams of four players against each other, trying to achieve a specific goal. These objectives vary depending on the type of game mode you jumped on, and each character has a different objective, with some being better than others depending on how you associate them with your teammates. Overall, for those new to the game, it's important to get a feel for good characters to start with before trying more advanced characters.

Daemon is a melee-based attacker that focuses on charging the enemy and plunging their flanks. You want to spend most of your time on this character rushing towards range-based enemies to throw them off balance, using your Shift ability to move forward and soar in and out of their firing range. If they try to get too far away from you, use your Shuriken ability to slow them down and prevent them from escaping. You still have your stealth ability if you need to sneak past a large group of enemies, pairing up with your super Shadow Strike and Death Mark. Shadow Strike attacks all enemies within a specific range, damaging them for a percentage of their maximum health, and Death Mark allows Daemon to deal bonus damage to any marked enemy, refreshing the super if killed while he is is always enabled.

Nidhoggr is another melee-based attacking character. Instead of using a sword, Nidhoggr uses a guitar ax to strike enemies. You can use your Powerslide to reduce the distances between you and perform range-based characters. The fire it leaves behind stays behind for a bit, damaging enemies that pass through it. If the enemy is too far away, you can use your Boomitar, where you throw your weapon at enemies, slowing them down if it hits them. If you are able to launch an attack when it comes back to you, the enemy is knocked out. Your final special is Fire Breath, where Nidhoggr unleashes a blast of fire, damaging enemies over time. Your supers mainly support your allies, giving them an opening. Death Growl silences all nearby enemies, preventing them from using abilities, and Ride the Lightning stuns all nearby enemies.

ZeroCool is a ranged hero who provides support for the team, healing them over time and adding an element of surprise to many aspects during a fight. You can cast your Firewall ability, creating an impassable wall that enemies cannot pass through. It doesn't block any attacks, but it can provide your team with leeway against melee enemies. If a specific character on your team takes damage, you want to give them your cooldown to continuously heal them. However, you don't want to do it forever and you want to turn it off to charge it again. You can also launch a bot to follow an ally, giving them extra firepower, and they can stealthily detect enemies. ZeroCool Supers include 1up that goes on an ally, and if they while it's activated, they come back to life. The other is upgrade protection, and it increases the armor of all nearby allies.
The bastard

El Bastardo is a melee tank character, who goes straight into combat and protects his allies at close range. You want to start a fight using the Leap of Faith ability, rushing at an opponent and stunning them on contact. When you're in the middle of a fight, unleash your Death Spiral attack to become a Sword Tornado, damaging all enemies nearby. You can steal an enemy's life using your Empower ability, and any health you capture goes to your Life Support shields, granting you additional protection. Your supers include Unbreaking, which keeps you from dying for a short time, and this time increases as you deal damage, and Overload, where your Life Support shields have too much power, damaging any enemies near you.

Certainly one of the more difficult support characters to play, Kulev is a great introduction to some of Bleeding Edge's more difficult mechanics. Kulev uses a ranged spit to damage enemies, and his passive consistently heals allies that are near him. You can summon a room in Holy Land to damage its enemies and heal all of its allies, making it a great ability to use in the middle of a melee. If you notice an ally taking damage, you can use Good Omen to give them a protective shield, or double tap the ability to give it to you. When a particularly powerful enemy is focused by your team, use Curse on them to make them take bonus damage from all