Raid: Shadow Legends has over 400 champions to train, prepare, and combine to form the perfect team. The ability to synergize the skills of champions into a deadly force, compounded by fixed bonuses, is the strength of the game. But like any tiered system, some champions are arguably better than others.
We will focus on the midfield champions at the end of the game. At the start of Raid: Shadow Legends the emphasis is less on strategy - not that you can't create your own - and more on submissive AI. As you begin to tackle later stages, some game modes will favor certain strategies over others. If you get any of these champions, keep them. It is not food.
Tayrel (Defense)
Tayrel embodies the saying: "A good defense is a good offense." For example, Humble is a two-hit ability that has a 40% chance to reduce a target's attack by 50%. A solid debuff. The damage, however, is based on his defense. Singing Steel is an area of effect that can decrease defense or sleep, which also bases its damage on defense. The icing on the cake is its aura, increasing allied defense by 25% in all battles.
Royal Guard (attack)
Hailing from the High Elves faction, the Royal Guard makes this list for one simple reason: Takedown. At the start of the game, you can get away with hitting opponents until they're dead, but as you progress the health bars can get pretty crazy. The Royal Guard fixes this issue with Takedown, an ability that causes max HP damage rather than a fixed numeric amount. Did we mention this was an area of effect?
Duchess Lilitu (support)
Support Champions can create interesting strategies and Duchess Lilitu is one of those champions. Abyssal Summon is a two-hit attack that applies a shield buff, based on maximum health, and a champion with the lowest health. There is a list of champions who are amazing in terms of damage but are squishy; Duchess Lilitu can offer them protection. Stack max HP sets and it can turn into a heavy shield. Duchess Lilitu has arguably one of the best skills in the game, which is Spectral Rebirth. It revives all dead allies with 70% of their HP.
Valkyrie (Defense)
Valkyrie is another game-changing champion with just one skill: stand firm. Very few champions have a counterattack buff and it's not just a buff but also an area-of-effect attack that grants allies a defense-based shield buff. If you can pair her with other Counterattack Champions, like Skullcrusher, her value doubles.
Dracomorph (Attack)
In the right hands or, in this case, the claws, the poison debuffs can be absolutely devastating as its damage ranges from max HP. To balance this out, champions tend to have a poison debuff percentage, but Dracomorph doesn't. As long as you can hit your target, it's guaranteed to land. It also helps apply a 25% debuff debuff and a 60% defense debuff.
Bad-el-Kazar (soutien)
Bad-el-Kazar, like Dracomorph, also has a poison debuff that's guaranteed to land. However, unlike Dracomorph, his abilities support the team rather than focus on them. Bad-el-Kazar is considered one of the best healers in the game. The Dark Sphere attacks all enemy targets, then heals your allies for 20% of the damage dealt. Malice drops two healing buffs over time on allies while simultaneously applying two poison debuffs to enemies. It is well in synergy with the precision assemblies.
Bellower (mention honorable)
And here we have our honorable mention: Bellower. Although he can be considered "rare" and termed a supportive, this champion of the Ogryn tribes is considered one of the best farmers in the countryside. This is all thanks to its three attack zone abilities which, combined, can cause Attack, Defense and Speed debuffs. It pairs well with stun sets and speed sets.