The number of COVID cases has increased at an alarming rate in the United States, and many states are tightening quarantine or rolling back measures that had been taken to reopen. The portability and adaptability of the Nintendo Switch makes it the perfect device to quarantine. It can be played from anywhere in your home, be it on the console itself or on a TV, and it has a huge range of great games to choose from. Here are some great Nintendo Switch packs that you can enjoy in the midst of social distancing.
This GameStop set includes the Switch with Countergrey and the Professional Controller. It also comes with three popular games for the Switch. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Minecraft, and Animal Crossing: New Horizons are all included in this bundle. There's also a similar bundle that features a Switch with the classic neon joy-cons available at the same price.
Amazon offers several different packs for the Switch. This set is for a yellow Switch Lite with a 128 GB microSD card from SanDisk. The Lite has been very popular for having the same portability of the Switch without all the bells and whistles. The microSD card is a wonderful addition that any Switch owner needs. The console doesn't have a ton of memory to start with, so if you plan on having a large library of games, a memory card is a must.
Overstock offers several Switch packs. This pack includes a gray Switch Lite and a copy of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. There is also a similar bundle available for the same price on Overstock with a gray Switch Lite and a copy of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Amazon has a set for a switch with counter-grays and a 128 GB microSD card from SanDisk. This set comes with all the standard accessories for the Switch and the SD card is absolutely necessary if you plan to own a lot of games.
This pack includes a Switch with counter-grays and comes with a copy of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. This bundle offers several different buying options with varying prices, but the cheapest available is $ 519,00 with free shipping. You can also choose to have a switch with neon drawbacks, but the price jumps to around $ 598,00 with free shipping.