A number of Galarian Pokémon have become available in Pokémon Go. Not all of them are available, but the ones you can catch are rare and difficult to catch. One of the Pokémon you can add to your roster is Galarian Darmanitan, the evolved form of Galarian Darumaka.
The Galarian version of Darmanitan is a polar opposite to its original version. It is an Ice-type Pokémon. Unfortunately, given the stats and attacks available for this Pokémon, you probably won't see it too often in the Battle League. Nonetheless, you'll want to use it as an available Raid Pokémon, taking on one of the powerful Dragon, Flying, Grass, and Ground-type Pokémon that you may encounter in raids.
Galarian Darmanitan has a max CP of 3, attack of 105, defense of 263, and stamina of 114. Given its weak defensive capabilities, you don't want to rely on it as a tank or use it in. the first part of a fight. It's all about power. This makes him a poor choice for fighting other trainers unless you want an alternative to using every shield you have and taking out your opponent with your attacks.
Of his available move sets, you definitely don't want him to know how to attack for his quick attack, which leaves Ice Fangs as the best option. For your charge, you can choose between avalanche and ice blow, both ice type attacks. He has the ability to know overheat, which might work if you need type cover, but you might want to focus on that with the higher status type attack bonus.
Overall, the Galarian Darmanitan will be a rare find to have on your roster and fun to have, but you don't want to trade it in for any of your Ultra League Pokémon.