One Pokémon that changes with the seasons in Pokémon Go is Sawsbuck. He was first released at the Fall 2020 event and you can capture his starting form, Deerling. It has four different appearances, for each of the unique seasons, so you'll likely meet one with an exclusive look in the winter and then meet another in the summer. Despite the changes in appearance, he still experiences the same movements. What's the best set of moves he can use?
Sawsbuck is a Normal and Grass-type Pokémon. It has a max CP of 2416, Attack of 198, Defense of 146, and Stamina of 190. It is weak for Bug, Fighting, Fire, Flight, Ice, and Poison-type Pokémon, but it is resistant to Pokémon from Ghost type, Electric, Grass, ground and water type attacks. Although it has various weaknesses, it could prove useful for specialist raids that you participate in with other trainers.
Here are all the moves Sawsbuck can learn in Pokémon Go.
Rapid movements
- Feigned Attack (Dark Type) - 6 damage, 3 energy per turn
- Knock Down (Normal Type) - 5 damage, 2,6 Energy per turn
Loaded movements
- Hyper Beam (normal type) - 150 damage, 80 energy
- Megahorn (bug type) - 100 damage, 55 energy
- Solar beam (grass type) - 150 damage, 80 energy
- Savage Charge (Electric Type) - 100 damage, 45 energy
The best quick hit for Sawsbuck is an odd choice, a feint attack. It's a dark type move, but it's a reliable option to use in combat. This makes Sawsbuck a decent chance at defeating the Ghost and Psychic-types, and he's already resistant to the Ghost-types, making him a suitable option to fight them even more.
For its charged movement, most would automatically choose hyper beam or solar beam. Despite the overall damage these two moves are eliminated, the other two options are much better. Megahorn, the Bug-type move, can be used more often, making it a more interesting choice. Along with the Savage Charge, which requires even less energy to use for the same amount of damage, this makes Sawsbuck a quick attacker. However, you need to be careful with using Wild Charge as it lowers your Pokémon's defenses every time you use it. You'd better use the savage charge as your final attack, and it isn't the first charged attack you use.
With those options in mind, Sawsbuck is a decent choice for the Ultra League. It won't be at the front of the pack, but it's a decent option, especially for fighting any Ghost-type Pokémon. Make sure he knows the mock attack for his quick move, then megahorn and wild charge for his charged moves, in that order.