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Are you looking for a laptop support and you don't know where to start? Are you tired of not being able to find the right position to work in absolute comfort on the computer?
Well, then you've come to just the right place.
In this article we want to delve into the world of supports for laptops, which can really radically change their use.
Whether you work on the PC in the office, or at home, it must be admitted that, always keep the correct position, it's not as simple as it sounds.
Yet we know very well: having one incorrect posture to the PC then it means to have gods aches and pains in the back and neck.
But then how to overcome these small inconveniences? Simple: by purchasing a laptop stand and an ergonomic chair among those recommended by us for your health.
If you are still not convinced of the great usefulness that this tool can have, at the end of this article you will really have to change your mind.
But let's proceed in order and try to get to know this world in depth.
Laptop support: everything you need to know
Before proceeding with all features and of advantages and disadvantages of using a support for a laptop, let's try to understand together what this object really is.
You must know that the laptop has a flat keyboard (but you've probably already noticed this).
This small detail makes that, the laptop, from the point of view ergonomic, is definitely more uncomfortable compared to a desktop pc.
La keyboard of a fixed pc in fact it is a bit raised, thus allowing a much more practical and comfortable use.
Hence, to make up for this small "defect", there are precisely the supports for laptops.
These mounts have two purposes main:
- help find and keep one correct and comfortable position
- facilitate the appliance cooling
Let's first of all analyze these two aspects.
Laptop stand: the correct posture
When you work on your pc for many hours it is good to hire one correct posture to avoid unpleasant back and neck ailments.
It sounds silly but in reality, a large percentage of people who work with personal computers claim to have cervical problems and various aches to the lumbar area.
But what is the correct position to take when working on the computer?
- I foot they must be well placed on the ground, or placed on a suitable rise.
- La back it must adhere perfectly to the back of the chair, thus forming a 90 ° angle with your legs.
- La distance between your body and the screen it should always be between 50 and 70 cm.
- - forearms they must be able to rest on a shelf. This will ensure that the tension and fatigue of the arms is much lower.
These are the basic rules to have a perfectly correct and comfortable posture to work on the PC without having muscle pains.
As you can well understand, if for example you have the opportunity to work at home and you like to do it sitting comfortably on your sofa, being able to have this position is certainly not easy.
In this case it is definitely of great help support for laptop.
To tell the truth, due to the shape of the laptop keyboard we mentioned earlier, the support is really always a must if you want to have maximum comfort, without neglecting the ergonomics of your body, even while working at the desk. .
Support for laptop: cooling the appliance
Another important reason why it is good to consider the purchase of a PC support is definitely the overheating that every technological device has when it is used for an important period of time.
A laptop, due to its conformation, has a cooling system much lower than a fixed PC.
This does not mean that you have to throw away your laptop, it just means that you need to have some extra care about this aspect.
Un overheating important can lead to some clear signs:
- sudden shutdown of the pc
- crash of an image
- black screen
- sudden restart
These are all clear symptoms that your laptop needs one cooling system more intense.
Here comes to your aid the laptop support.
You must know, in fact, that there are also real supports created and studied specifically for this action. In the next paragraphs we will analyze them better.
Support for laptop: the different types
Now that you know what a laptop stand is, and you are also aware of why it should be used, you are ready to tackle the different ones as well typology that you can find on the market.
The market for laptop stands is really full of many models, and choosing the right one for your needs can even be more difficult than you thought.
The world of laptop support could be divided into three large groups:
- classic support
- support for pc cooling
- "hybrid" support, that is aimed at your posture and at the same time also at the cooling of the computer
First you have to ask yourself what your purpose is: do you need to improve your posture and your comfort, or does your personal computer also have problems with overheating?
Once you understand what your needs are, you can also proceed with the purchase in a more decisive and serene way.
On the market you will find:
- risers with adjustable column legs
- supports with folding legs and adjustable in height
- reclining supports
- fixed reclined supports
- supports with fixed legs
- supports with cooling fans
- feet to be inserted under the laptop
- wall supports
- arm supports
In short, as you can see it is really impossible not to be able to find the model that perfectly meets your needs. It all lies in being able to better evaluate every single feature.
Laptop support: how to choose it
Before proceeding with the different models, we want to give you a few more advice to better face this purchase.
We really realize how difficult it is to approach this component if you don't know it best.
Le features Ultimately there are not many to be evaluated, but they are all extremely important.
First of all, though, you have to ask yourself some questions:
- do i need a cooling system?
- where do I work mostly on the pc?
- I always use only the laptop or other devices, such as the tablet?
- I'm only going to use the support myself or other members of my family as well?
Answering these simple questions will allow you to make a first big selection of the types that best meet your needs.
But what are the technical and structural aspects to be evaluated?
The first thing is certainly hers basic function: only support or also cooling?
Secondly, you need to figure out whether to opt for a model more versatile or more static.
In this regard, we want to advise you, if your whole family will then use it, to opt for a model that has both the inclination and the adjustable height.
Adjustable height and inclination they are fundamental elements for having a versatility and a more complete and safe use.
Finally you can evaluate those too accessory aspects which can make the support even more useful.
For example there are some models that also have one LED light included. Then the supports are excellent modify to allow the use of the tablet or other technological devices.
Small details but that can make a difference.
Support for laptop: the models chosen by us
Now your knowledge of laptop mounts has really moved to another level, and you are therefore ready to take on the vast market.
To help you even more, we have thought of selecting some of the best laptop support templates.
We have chosen different types so as to guarantee you a complete look, and therefore a more conscious final choice.
Exponent 50833A - Notebook support arm

Let's start our list with really great support at arm.
The feature of this support is that yes hooks to the desk or table in total safety, therefore without the risk of accidental falls.
The arm then brings the screen of your laptop, tablet or other similar device to the height you prefer.
You can use your PC with its keyboard, or even opt for an external keyboard resting on the work surface.
The arm can be adjusted in all directions: height, inclination and angle.
The cost is € 79,88.
BACKPAINHELP Portable table stand for pc

A very good and versatile PC support.
Perfect for working on the PC both on your desk and on the sofa, or even in bed.
It consists of a perforated flat surface which allows the laptop to cool down and thus avoid the annoying problems of overheating.
Le legs they can be rotated 360 ° and can be adjusted to the height you prefer.
Perfect for both laptop and other technological devices, and supports up to a load of 50 kg.
Compact, once closed it is easily stored and transportable.
Very versatile as it is also perfect for reading a book and other study or hobby activities.
The cost is € 59,95.
Avantree Adjustable Coffee Table

Here is a support from the classic coffee table shape.
It is perfectly adjustable both in height and in inclination. In fact, thanks to the lateral tweezers, you can adjust the perfect inclination from 0 ° to 30 ° according to your position and the height from 24 to 32 cm.
The great thing about this mount is that it really is versatile and it can be used both as a work base on the PC and also for other purposes, such as reading a book, drawing and much more.
Also very convenient to carry and store as it folds and closes until it becomes perfectly flat.
It goes perfectly with laptops with a screen up to 17 inches.
The cost is € 39,99.
Duronic DM052-1 pc monitor support

This model is perfect if you usually use your laptop on a desk, or in any case on a flat surface.
Molto elegant and refined thanks to the refined design and embellished by the transparent glass surface, it allows you to raise your laptop up to a height of 10 cm.
Underneath the pc, a perfect space is also created for keep tidy your workplace.
Essential and basic but perfect if you do not have great structural and accessory needs.
It has a size of 56 × 24 cm, but there is also the 70 × 24 cm version.
The cost is € 20,49.
TeckNet cooling base for pc

Here is now a perfect support to avoid the overheating problem of the laptop.
Extremely compact and light it can be carried practically always with you and your personal computer.
In practice it is a raised support with a small inclination which makes it easier for you to use your computer.
La knitted surface it allows a perfect flow of air and the silent fans inside do the rest.
Interesting then the blue led lights that allow you to understand when the refrigeration system is active.
The cost is € 19,99.
Elekin laptop support

Now let's move on to extremely support compact and light.
Is composed by two perfectly adjustable folding legs in the desired inclination.
This model fits perfectly both with the need for a more ergonomic and comfortable position and with the need for a cooling system.
In fact, being very open from a structural point of view, it allows a constant and ideal flow of air to help the PC cool down in a shorter time.
It is compatible with most laptops.
The cost is € 17,99.
For your health, we recommend that you read our guides to the best:
- Office chairs
- Gaming chairs
- Ergonomic chairs