How to get the Rotten Larva Blade in Grounded
le Rotten larva blade is in the from South part of the back yard. It is just south of Fallen oak branch, which is not very far from Mysterious machine. Head straight south from the mysterious machine until you reach a giant branch. The blade is just on the south side of the branch. He is stuck in a calculation under one orange leaf, so it is very hard to miss. Spiders tend to patrol the area surrounding the weapon, so be careful when approaching it.
While this doesn't do an insane amount of damage, the Rotten larva blade has a very fast attack speed and does not cost too much endurance to swing, which makes it a very effective weapon for fighting bugs. Before using the weapon, take it to the Analyzer close. If you didn't see it on the way, it's next to the branch just north of where you found the blade. Rotten Larva Blade Analysis Will Teach You The Standard Larve lick crafting recipe, allowing you to craft more of this weapon type if your rotten shatters.
To make a larva blade you will need 2 Larva spikes 2015. Grub skins, and 1 Acid gland. These are all hard materials to get at the start of the game, so don't expect to swim in Larva Blades just because you have the recipe for it. The larvae tips come from larva, which are difficult enemies to kill, and the acid glands originate from Soldier ants, which will definitely fight if you hire them. Grub Hides comes from White grubs, but you can just dig them up with a skin. Acquiring these materials takes some preparation, but you shouldn't have too much trouble getting your hands on them with better gear and weapons.