Final Fantasy is a popular game series, and for
good reason. No matter who you are, there is probably something in
endlessly diverse Final Fantasy worlds that you and your
favorites may not be the same as others.
Today I'm going to review my favorites from the series and
give a little insight into why I like each one. But first, a little bit of land
rules: these are only the numbered entries of the main line. There is almost
countless spillovers and pseudo-entries that would make it a very
weird list if I allowed them. So don't expect to see Disgaea, Tactical,
or other entries here; otherwise half the list would be me gushing kingdom
Hearts and the Sa Ga series games they have worn here as "Final
Fantasy Legend "Games.
One last exception: Final Fantasy XI unfortunately
no place on this list. I've never played it, so I can't in good conscience
classify it. I heard it was good.
Final Fantasy X

X holds a special place in my heart as the first Final
Fantasy game I never completed (not counting the aforementioned Gameboy
ports of other franchises). Even now, I think there is a lot to like X.
The changing, emotional initiative system (although often misunderstood)
well-developed story and characters, and music, which I always rank among
he series bets.
Final Fantasy XII

XII might be a bit of a controversial choice, as it is
a kind of like or hate game. I'm one of the first (Dark
Souls II is also the best soul game, fight me), but I can see why people
I do not like it.
It's a bit long and can be tedious, and some parts are
downright cruel: like the backup crystal that comes to life and kills you after a
long, grueling hike through one of the most difficult areas. But I really
like the characters, the plot is a breath of fresh air for the
frankness, being a little more political than usual, the world is fascinating, and
the gameplay is quite good, listening to the Active Time Battle system
which defined older entries.
However, I cannot in good conscience defend the licensing system.
Final Fantasy IV

While at a time when Final Fantasy the plots were still
a little basic, I find that older games, the plot of IV really
resonates with me. Cecil is such a fascinating character, and I am an aspirant for
redemption plots. This also has some of the most iconic moments of the
franchise, for better or for worse since some of them are the result of poor (but
fun) location.
The gameplay is pretty standard for I by VI games,
but still quite pleasant. In addition, you are going to the moon. Not to do
Final Fantasy XIV

XIV is the only MMO that ever caught my attention
over a week, so I think that's pretty complimentary. The gameplay is reminiscent of
a little more action-y XII, the customization is in order, and most
lessons are pretty fun.
The only problem is the plot, the pre-expansions. A Kingdom
Reborn is basically just a slightly depressed reworking of the first game of the
Plot to "gather all the shinies", and there's a blatant slog at the end of it
before I experience Heavensward which I imagine is the cause of
more expired subscriptions than anything else in the game.
But if you can walk past (maybe take a break
between regular play sessions), it's a great game.
Final Fantasy VII

VII is most people's favorite game I think
part due to nostalgia. It's certainly fine, but I think you should
Live it when it was revolutionary to really get the full impact.
By the time I played VII I was already a man and the
shocking twists and turns had all been spoiled for me.
Yet despite all of this, I really enjoyed the game, and
probably still has the best combat system in the entire franchise. Do not take
the middle of the pack classified as a snub; the game still holds up surprisingly
well despite his age.
Final Fantasy IX

IX is a game that has really suffered during its
release, being a goofy transition game that was released as a Playstation
game ... months after the release of Playstation 2. Even when it was released, it seemed
little dated, offset by its more cartoony style. It was also a little
return game.
As a result, although it was very well received, I think
as a lot of people skipped IX for various reasons which was a
shame. It had a great cast of colorful characters, fun fights, and a great
scoundrel. In addition, it is one of the few true "fantasies" in Final Fantasy Games,
because the series has been more oriented towards technologically advanced parameters
since VII changed the landscape of the series.

VI was one of the darker entries in the series, and
also one of the most beloved. unlike VII I played it a little earlier, but
I have never connected it as much as other people. Yet he had a killer
soundtrack, one of the most iconic villains in all of JRPG-dom, and some really
Good times. It's just that the bits between those moments never stuck
with me; I don't remember most of the game.
Final Fantasy III

This is, IMO, the first "real" Final Fantasy Game.
This is what adds most of the iconic features that others, better entries build and
improve, and for that it gets my stamp of approval. Like a game itself
but… that's good enough, and not much else to say.
Final Fantasy V

Much like VI, I don't remember most V. V takes this place largely because of this; it was pretty standard Final
Fancy game for the time, not particularly good, but not particularly bad
Final Fantasy VIII

There isn't a ton that I like VIII. I don't like Squall.
I'm also not a huge fan of most of his other supporting cast, although Setzer
has great aesthetics and I am an aspirant for the Gambler job. The plot is a little
too twee for my taste, even for a Final Fantasy title and the end
is not my favorite.
Sorry VIII fans, I never really felt that way
Final Fantasy XV

XV had so much potential. The fight is pretty solid,
and the fellowship between the sons is first rate. If we were just talking
about the first half of this game, it would be in the top 5. But the second half of
this game is a mess, and completely throws everything i loved on the first one
halfway through the window.
I heard it got better (a little) later, but I was never
interested in giving it another shot.
Final Fantasy XIII

Jokes about being too linear and lightning fair
Cloud again aside, my main issues with this game start and end with his
setting. It almost sounds like a Final Fantasy parody in the setting,
and I could never get into it. The combat system is ... interesting though,
Final Fantasy I and II

They're effectively the same game, if we're being honest;
everything that is said about one can be said about the other. In terms of influence,
these are of course at the top. In terms of quality in hindsight ... they simply
hasn't aged as well as most of the other games in the series.
Hopefully this list isn't too out of step with most people;
as mentioned, this is just my own take on the franchise, and everyone
is free to accept or not to agree.