The Scholomance Academy expansion added 135 new cards to Hearthstone. Among them are several legendary and epic maps that have completely changed the way the game is played. New mechanics like Spellburst and dual class maps have been added for players to experiment and build new decks. Here are the top 10 cards added in the expansion that you can add to your collection.

This might be the best card in the whole expansion. Vectus is a legendary card that fits perfectly into any Deathrattle deck. Battlecry from this card allows you to summon two minions, each gaining a Deathrattle from all dead minions. While this card is extremely valuable, it can be countered by aggressive decks that capitalize on Silence effects.
Passage secret

This card can completely change the game for you. Secret Passage is a spell card that allows you to replace your entire hand with five cards from your deck, then reactivate it the next turn. You get temporary access to a whole new hand for a spin. The five cards you get can help you achieve a victory or change the course of a game to be in your favor. The best part about this extremely powerful card is that it only costs one mana. It's a super cheap way to really ruin your opponents' day.
Ravenous Reader

Voracious Reader is perfect for aggressive tempo and aggro decks. The card allows you to draw cards at the end of each turn until you have at least three in your hand. It will keep your hand full for a cost of just two mana. This cheap but useful map is essentially a new take on the Jeeves map from Gnomes vs. Goblins, but she only gives her owner extra cards.
Instructor Fireheart

The Scholomance Academy focuses on a spell. Appropriately, the Fireheart instructor gives a big advantage to players who use spell cards a lot. The card costs three mana to play and can give players a great opportunity for chains. This card's Battlecry lets you uncover a spell card that costs at least one mana. If you play this spell card in the same turn, the effect is activated again. With proper planning, the effect will allow players to chain multiple spell cards with little effort.
Directeur Kel'Thuzad

Kel'Thuzad can cost five mana and completely flip a game when you're in a tough spot. This is one of the new Spellburst maps added with the Scholomance Academy expansion. As a Spellburt, this card has an ability that activates the first time you cast a spell. If the spell that activates Spellburst on this card destroys minions, you summon them again. The big problem with this card is that it will have to be reserved until the end of the game. Fortunately, this limitation can be overlooked when you combine it with a more powerful AoE spell.
Laboratory partner

Lab Partner is a Mage Servant card that costs only one mana to use. This is a card for Tempo and Control decks. It gives a one point bonus to spell damage, making it an essential card for mage and spell combos.
Knowledge Keeper Polkelt

Lorekeeper Polkelt is another card for players who like combo decks. Like Sphere of Lore, it gives you great control over the cards you draw next. At a cost of four mana, the card allows you to rearrange your deck from highest cost to lowest. By doing this, players will know exactly what to expect with each draw.
Sphere of wisdom

It's a cheap card that will give you some control over the next card you draw. The effect lets you look at the top card of your deck at the start of your turn. You can then place the card at the bottom of your deck for durability. Being able to control the cards you draw is a huge advantage for aggressive combo decks.

Glide is a Demon Hunter spell card that costs four mana to use. The card will be the bane of any aggressive combo deck. The effect requires both players to shuffle their hands in their decks and draw four cards. This has the potential to ruin any combo your opponent may have built and put the vital cards they need back into the deck.
Lord barov

Lord Barov is a legendary paladin that costs three mana to play. This card's Battlecry sets the health of all other minions to one. He has a Deathrattle which also allows him to inflict a wound on all minions. Lord Barov was designed to sweep the board for you. The best use of the map is to use it in combination with a map that gives the Rush effect like the animated broom.