Persona 5: Royal is an expanded version of the Persona 5 game, which was released in September 2016. It includes a brand new team member, additional storyline, gameplay elements, and several other things to make it another interesting experience. , even for those who played the original game. In the evening, when you return to Leblanc, you can try a crossword puzzle. Completing them gives you a small amount of knowledge, which never hurts to accumulate.
There are 34 crosswords in the book. The first answer is the one in blue, and the optional answers are those found around it, which you can answer freely at any time.
- Question 1: How the school years are divided
- Semester
- Optional answers: grade, exam, teaching
- Question 2: Hanami: viewing cherries (?)
- Flower
- Optional answers: Bud, Spring, Picnic
- Question 3: Time for a trip: (?) Week
- Gold
- Optional answers: goose, time, egg, door
- Question 4: What are the May Blues?
- Discomfort
- Optional answers: gloom, burning, pain
- Question 5: Where art is exhibited and sold
- Gallery
- Optional answers: Dali, Louvre, Mural
- Question 6: A type of outdoor allergy.
- The pollénose
- Optional responses: sneeze, nose
- Question 7: Nihonga: (?) Cultural work
- Japanese
- Optional answers: Nori, Obi, Ikebana
- Question 8: Unsurpassed Artist Label
- Maître
- Optional answers: Rembrandt, Sketch
- Question 9: duty to inform the public
- Conference
- Optional responses: Badge, Speak
- Question 10: Changes with the season.
- Wardrobe
- Optional answers: closet, design
- Question 11: Traded worldwide.
- Currency
- Optional answers: Euro, Wallet, ATM
- Question 12: A border between air masses.
- Front
- Optional responses: ice, weather, storm
- Question 13: Medicine of varying legality.
- Drugs
- Optional responses: opium, contraband
- Question 14: The greatest love of many students
- Vacances
- Optional answers: travel, summer
- Question 15: These measure students' knowledge.
- finals
- Optional responses: Cram, Stress, Notes
- Question 16: A seasonal event related to the sky.
- Feux d'artifice
- Optional answers: Boom, Sparkler
- Question 17: A stationary hotspot: heat (?)
- Île
- Optional responses: Vibes, Lei, Coconut
- Question 18: Necessary for the challenges.
- Courage
- Optional responses: moral, social, Leo
- Question 19: A common skin lesion
- Sunburn
- Optional responses: SPF, Ouch, Lotion, Hot
- Question 20: When it's too hot to sleep
- Stuffy
- Optional answers: Shade, AC, Ice, Fan
- Question 21: Technical term for electronic infiltration
- Piracy
- Optional responses: violation, virus, sin
- Question 22: Localized destructive storm.
- Typhoon
- Optional responses: Gust, Gap, Advisory
- Question 23: Tsukimi: lunar observation (?)
- Festival
- Optional answers: fun, sanctuary, games
- Question 24: Establish an order of value.
- Ranking
- Optional answers: academic, senior
- Question 25: Absorb the most light.
- Black
- Optional responses: Abyss, Shadow, Widow
- Question 26: co-opted Celtic holidays
- Halloween
- Optional answers: candy, witch
- Question 27: aligned in school festivals
- Stalls
- Réponses facultatives: Yakitori, Yakata
- Question 28: Tipster hotlines offer this.
- Reward
- Optional answers: offer, acquired, cash
- Question 29: Lie down against someone.
- Bashing
- Optional responses: verbal, physical
- Question 30: attracts people to you.
- Charisma
- Optional answers: Boring, Swagger
- Question 31: AKA sweating disease
- Flu
- Optional answers: fatigue, achoo
- Question 32: What are the lights for the store signage.
- Lighting
- Optional answers: candle, torch
- Question 33: Politicians thrive on this note.
- Approval
- Optional responses: electoral, survey
- Question 34: Happy Holidays with an intruder
- Christmas
- Optional answers: Chimney, Carol
You can answer these questions every time you visit the crossword puzzle. Trying them out doesn't let time pass, so you can freely engage them for as long as you need to complete it. These are a great way to take a break from the game and even take time out for some fun teasers. There is plenty to do in Persona 5: Royal, so be sure to explore as much as possible.