Yik Yak – the anonymous chat app known among campuses around the world was officially shut down recently as the school year comes to an end. The app, once valued at $400 million, was acquired at $XNUMX million and effectively kills the app and the social network around it. So, if you have been an avid user of Yik Yak and are looking for other apps that can meet your anonymous chatting needs, here is 5 best alternative apps Yik Yak you should check out:
1. Yodel
Probably le closer to Yik Yak in functionality and features, Jodel is one of the best apps that will compete for the place of Yik Yak in the student's phone. The app has a neat interface and offers anonymous posting and commenting features similar to Yik Yak. Application requires your location (obviously), and shows Jodels (that's what they call messages on the app) from your location. When you post new Jodels, or comment on existing ones, you get Karma Points.
Jodels is classified in three tabs , “Newest”, “Most commented” and “Highest”. The most recent Jodels are organized by the time they were posted, The most commented are organized by the number of comments they have, and the brightest Jodels are organized by their overall rating in the app. The application is completely free and is very popular on the App Store, and Play Store.
Installer: Android, iOS (free)
2. Whisper
Whisper has been around Yik Yak for quite a while now, and while it's quite similar to Yik Yak, its user base is made up of people from many different age groups. Whisper owns features such as creating messages anonymous and comments about other people. The app splits Whispers (that's what Whisper messages are called) into different categories by popularity, location, etc. There is also a search tab, you can search for whispers containing specific phrases, and connect with like-minded people.
Whisper Foum Zguid also in charge of groups, so you can create groups for your university, and have a more Yik Yak experience. For keep content at one level moderated by user,application use notes for users, so users can decide whether or not to chat with an anonymous person, based on the rating other people have given them. The app tries to better deal with harassment and abuse, and you can always block users if needed.
Installer: Android, iOS (gratuit)
3. Candid
Candid is another great Yik Yak alternative that you can check out. The app comes with a neat design and displays messages in cards with curved corners, just like how iOS 10 handles messages. widgets and notifications. The app classifies messages into “New”, “Hot”, “Community” and “Nearby”. The names are pretty much self-explanatory, and you'll usually find the most relevant items under "Nearby" and "Community" (if you've added your school, university, or workplace to the app).
The app also supports load groups, which you can join according to your interests, and share your thoughts anonymously. If you don't see the type of group you like, it's always possible to create a group yourself, and then get people to join. Candid supports messaging as well, so you can chat with people you're interested in, or people who share the same thoughts as you. The app asks for the phone number and access to Facebook, but you can easily ignore this, and you should, if you wish to remain anonymous.
Installer: Android, iOS (gratuit)
4. After School
After School is a strictly chat app student- only where you can be anonymous if you want, or you can let people know your identity, if that's what you want. The app starts by asking users to choose their school and course year. You will then have to log in to Facebook to verify that you are actually at the school you have chosen in the application. It's great because it prevents unwanted people from hiding in groups and take all their pleasure.
THEapp does not tolerate harassment, abuse, bullying or threats of any kind, so that you can rest assured that they will have you back. You should definitely check out After School, it looks really awesome.
Installer: Android, iOS (gratuit)
5. ASKfm
ASKfm is Ask.fm's anonymous question board app. While you must to connect to the app, and this is not not really anonymous except for questions asked,application still has plenty of traction, thanks to the large number of people who use it to have interesting conversations with people, and do a lot more. You can create a profile and then share it with friends. If you want find new people, you can do it with the search, by entering your interests; The app displays a list of users who share the same interests as you.
While theapplication Is not exactly than Yik Yak, she offers similar functionality to these. The home page shows all the questions people have asked others, along with all the answers, and you can add new people, ask questions, and answer questions about the app.
Installer: Android, iOS (gratuit)