Imagine – you're playing your favorite title on your Xbox One when the phone rings in the other room and you don't want to quit your game, just to check who's calling. It's times like these that you've wanted your Android smartphone to be a little wiser at telling who's calling you without actually picking it up. On the iPhone, you can enable Siri to speak the caller's name for you but, on Android, you'll need a third party call announcer app. Luckily, there are some third-party caller name announcer apps that can speak the name of your callers. Not only the names of the callers, but the messages can be read as well. So, Here is a list of the 4 best caller name announcer apps for Android:
1. Caller announcement app
Caller Name Talker is one of the best speaker caller name apps on Android. He reads the name of your callers, SMS senders and any other notification regarding communication services on your Android smartphone. Along with low battery notifications, it also gives you voice alerts for Gmail, WhatsApp, IMO, WeChat, LINE and Telegram. Moreover, it can read your messages from all these apps, provided that you enable the feature from the settings.
The app also provides a large number of options for playback functions. You can adjust the delay time for alerts, put in custom messages before and after names, lower the ringtone volume during alert playback and more. The app uses the built-in Android text-to-speech engine to voice the caller or SMS ID sender. You also get gestures like shaking your phone to stop the caller name alert while the phone is ringing. Overall, the app works well and we haven't noticed any major bugs. There is a paid version dubbed Speak Caller Name PRO which is ad free but it has not been updated with features of the latest free version. So, it is wise to stick to the free version until the updated Pro version comes out.
Installation: ( free ) ( For $ 0.99 )
2. Caller Name Talker
First of all, this is a completely different app which happens to have the same name as the one mentioned above. With a not so good user interface, it has all the basic functionality a speakerphone caller name app should have. You can let your phone announce the names of saved contacts as well as unknown numbers too. It can also read your SMS alerts as well as its content. There are various customizable settings like one tap to turn on/off features, turn on/off voice alert on ringtone and text-to-speech settings. You can also put personalized messages after a caller's name.
Unfortunately, it lacks most of the extra features that previously mentioned app packs. That said, this app works efficiently and is a good one if you want a talker caller name app simplistic and simple.
Installation: ( free )
3. Caller Name Announcer Pro
If you want a caller name announcer app that can also act as a caller ID, then you should check out Caller Name Announcer Pro. With a smartly designed user interface, the app has voice alerts for calls and SMS. You can also have the content of messages sent by SMS read. He is a widget to quickly toggle voice alert ON or OFF from the home screen, in case you need to put your phone in a silent profile.
The app allows you to play around with audio settings such as change pitch settings and speed voice, as Caller Name Announcer Pro uses its Android built-in text to speech library. L'caller id function works great, showing you caller information of unknown contacts, like TrueCaller. Unfortunately, the customization options are quite limited and we suggest you go for this only if you want caller ID features packed into a caller ID announcer apps.
Installation: ( free )
4. Caller Name Announcer
Talking SMS & Call Announcer is a feature rich caller name announcer app. As with all caller name announcer apps, it has a working voice alert feature suitable for calls and messages. It reads messages too with the help of built-in text-to-speech of Android system. The standout feature is if the battery announcer, which allows you to set a custom threshold to be notified about low battery levels via voice.
Another cool feature is that it lets you choose between reading an unknown phone number or just reading “unknown”. the contact filter functionality is an another remarkable feature which allows you to assign a specific list of contacts to be announced. Also, you can disable the app for a specific period of time with its No alert schedule. Try this for its sheer list of features and well-arranged interface.
Installation: ( free )