One of the oldest uses for smartphones was using the microphone to tune your guitar. Admittedly, it wasn't that great but it worked well. These days, guitar tuner apps are much better than they once were like phone microphones. It made the task much better. As any string player can tell you, it's always good to have a tuner on you. Here are the best guitar tuner apps for Android.
Chromatic Guitar and Bass Tuner
First is Chromatic Guitar Tuner. It is a simple tuner with a nice interface and decent functionality. Like most, it not only recognizes the guitar, but also other instruments, including bass, banjo, ukulele, violin, and others. It also includes a digital diaphragm for additional tuning options if needed. Some users have complained about advertising, but it should work fine. It looks good, it's super simple, and it's totally free.
Cifra Club Tuner is probably the simplest tuner on the list. It's totally free and as such is a bit lacking in features. However, if you just want to sort something out really quickly, this is a good way to go. It has a chromatic tuner as well as a string-by-string implementation which is easy to use. Like most of you, you can still use it for bass, banjo, ukulele, etc., so it still works for other instruments. Not much else to say about this one. It's fast and simple. You can also pay it for additional features if you want.
DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAYCleartune – Chromatic Tuner
Cleartune is one of the simplest guitar tuner apps. The cool part of this one is that it can boast star power, including The Killers and Gorillaz, those are nice perks. It includes a record tuner interface so you can quickly tune any stringed instrument you own. It features high accuracy, needle damping option and automatic note selection if needed. It's a solid option, but it doesn't work well on small-screen devices, so if you're under 4 inches, you might need to look elsewhere. It has not yet been updated since 2012. That means it cannot work on newer devices.
DaTuner is an interesting mix of complex and simple. It has some features to make things easier like auto sensitivity and the screen turns green when the setting is correct, as opposed to making you try to navigate a dial or needle tuner. Professionals will likely demand these types of tuning features and will probably need a little different. Both paid and free versions are free. It also works on older Android devices.
gStrings Tuner is one of the old guitar tuner apps that has been around for years. It has a dial-style tuner and plenty of options, including microphone sensitivity and themes. Like the others, you'll be able to tune any stringed instrument with this as long as you know what you're doing. This is another simple option without too many features but includes the most important features. You can even listen to a piano with this one. It's awesome.
GuitarTuna is one of the flashier guitar tuner apps with lots of features. It features “professional” quality tuning with a built-in metronome, a simple interface, and a host of features to help people learn to play the guitar or hone their already budding skills. It's definitely the app to try if you're a newbie just learning and it's totally fine if you've been staying for a while. It has a 4,8 rating on the Play Store which is just fantastic.
Pano Tuner is very simple app with nice design and style tuner. The interface has an old-school look and there are a few features under the hood to help you get the deal. They include microphone sensitivity settings, concert frequency adjustment, and support for non-standard tuning. Like others, this app covers virtually any stringed instrument. You can grab it for free and purchase the pro version as a $1.98 in-app purchase.
PitchLab Guitar Tuner is one of the more complex guitar tuner apps with a host of features. The interface is fully digital with dial-style agreement and includes multiple virtualization modes. The free version is pretty good, but the really good stuff requires upgrading to the premium version ($2,99 max). These features include chord matrix, stage tuner, polyphonic tuner, pitch spectrogram and many more. This is a heavyweight app with lots of features for those who need something extra.
Tuner – Pro Guitar Tuner
Pro Guitar Tuner aims to be exactly what its name says: a tuner for the pros. It's from the maker of the online guitar tuner of the same name. It includes support for many different tuning options, samples of what a properly tuned instrument should sound like, and supports many stringed instruments. It's a good option overall. The only thing to keep in mind is that the pro version can be a bit pricey.
Smart Chords and Tools is a complicated guitar tuner apps. With a tuner that works with most string instruments, you'll find a chord library with over 220 chords, 200 presets, and different tweaks to suit your guitar playing experience. There are just a lot of things in this app and it will take you forever to get it all right. It's great for almost anyone who wants something more than a tuner. It compares to a playground for musicians. We agree. The interface is also refreshing and modern comparatively speaking.
DOWNLOAD ON GOOGLE PLAYIf we missed any of the best guitar tuner apps on Android, tell us about it in the comments.